- "Well, Harriet," said Mrs. Plymdale, with emphasis. “得啦,赫莉特,”普利姆代尔太太说,显得郑重其事。
- Summary with emphasis on how to search film. 总结时将重点放在如何查找胶卷.
- Summary with emphasis on review of brochure specifications. 总结时将重点放在宣传品的规格标准上。
- The lawyer asserted with emphasis that the accused was not guilty. 律师强调地声称被告无罪。
- With emphasis and spirit. Used chiefly as a direction. 有力的(地)带着强调和精神。主要用于指挥
- Summary with emphasis on the contents of the presentation. 总结时将重点放在展示的内容上。
- Summary with emphasis on the database structure and merging. 回顾总结时重点放在数据库结构和合并文件上。
- Summary with emphasis on the sources of information. 总结时将重点放在信息的来源上。
- Those elements are recreated with emphasis in the geometry of nature's designs. 在突出自然几何图形中重塑这些元素。
- Then the fifth chapter again reorganizes with emphasis each chapter. 第五章节则将各章的重点再整理。
- Narrated the trace element selenium with emphasis lacks in the correlation disease arises the function. 重点讲述了微量元素硒缺乏在相关疾病发病中的作用。
- A lecture on housekeeping with emphasis on neatness; paused for emphasis,then announced the winner's name. 一个强调整洁的客房管理演说;停顿一下以示强调,接着宣布胜利者的姓名
- A lecture on housekeeping with emphasis on neatness;paused for emphasis, then announced the winner's name. 一个强调整洁的客房管理演说;停顿一下以示强调,接着宣布胜利者的姓名
- Continue the current infrastructure programme, with emphasis on the priority rail projects. 继续实施目前的基础设施计划,并优先发展铁路项目。
- Paraschivoiu Ion, “Wind Turbine Design with Emphasis on Darrieus Concept,” Ecole Polytechnique de Motreal, 2002. 牛山泉与三野正洋,“小型风车设计与制造”,复汉出版社。
- Finally, the performance is tested and the results are analyzed with emphasis onthe service delay performance of UAS. 最后对其进行了性能测试和结果分析,并且重点讨论了综合接入系统的业务时延性能。
- A effective method to eliminate nodularization degeneration was introduced with emphasis laid on materials and process. 着重从材料和工艺两方面介绍一种消除球化衰退的有效方法。
- The author will introduce children with IBS with emphasis on the diagnosis and treatment progress. 作者将重点介绍儿童IBS的诊断和治疗进展。
- An extensive overview of optical processes in semiconductors, with emphasis on radiative recombination. 一篇完整描述在半导体中光学再结合过程的论文,主要强调放射性再结合。
- Children will benefit with emphasis placed on maximizing the potential of their emotional and intelligence quotients. 集智慧、思想、情感等于一体,让孩子终身受益无穷。