- He come into the room with an air of importance. 他带著一副了不起的神情走进室内。
- He answered with an air of detachment. 他以超然的神态回答。
- He came into the room with an air of importance. 他带著一副了不起的神情走进室内。
- Tom finished the sentence with an air of pique. 汤姆有些生气地说完这句话。
- He spoke with an air of exultation. 他带著得意的神态说著话。
- She go to meet him with an air of expectancy. 她去见他时带著有所期待的神情。
- He sat there with an air of aloof detachment. 他以冷漠超然的神态坐在那边。
- The crimes committed there invested the place with an air of mystery and gloom. 在那里发生罪案后,该地笼罩上一种阴森诡秘的气氛。
- He was invested with an air of dignity. 他有一种威严的神态。
- She said with an air of no emotion whatever. 她说话的神气里,丝毫不含感情。
- He came into the room with an air of triumph. 他带着胜利的神情走进屋子。
- "Gentlemen," said he, with an air of inspiration. “先生们,”他用充满灵感的声调说道。
- He walked with an air of importance. 他走起路来一副了不起的架势。
- Raised his head with an air of stupefaction. 忽然抬起头来,露出大吃一惊的神气。
- She always speaks with an air of suporiority. 他总是摆出一幅优于别人的架子。
- He smiled with an air of triumph. 他带著胜利的神情笑了。
- The ancient castle was invested with an air of mystery. 这座古堡充满神秘的气氛。
- The young man rambled on with an air of great consequence. 小伙子带著妄自尊大的神态没完没了地东拉西扯。
- He looked at me with an air of surprised disapproval. 他带着一种吃惊的、不以为然的神态看着我。
- With an air of self-confidence, he walked directly to the big machine. 他带著自信的神情,径直朝那台大机器走去。