- With a bit of luck she'll find her missing ring. 但愿她有幸找到她丢失的戒指。
- With a bit of luck, we'll be there by 12. 如果顺利点,我们将于12点钟赶到那里。
- With a bit of luck, we'll finish on time. 但愿我们运气好,能够准时完成。
- With a bit of luck he might lend a hand. 幸运的话,他会出手相助。
- Work hard,work smart and with a bit of luck,serendipity will play its part. 勤奋、灵感再加上一点儿好运,定会有意外的收获。
- We should manage, with a little bit of luck. 我们只要有一点点运气就能应付过去。
- But with a bit of luck, Warner said, guests might see an array of unusual overtures. 但所幸游客们能看到很多不同平常的“爱情表白”。
- Let me premise my argument with a bit of history. 让我引述一些史实作为我立论的前提。
- You are sure to succeed with a bit of tact. 你运用一点机智一定能成功。
- I'm sure he'll come with a bit of persuading. 我相信,劝一劝他就会来的。
- You is sure to succeed with a bit of tact. 你运用一点机智一定能成功。
- Sammy heard her lovely voice with a bit of raucity. 沙马听到她调皮的声音中透着一丝沙哑。
- I used to credit you with a bit of common sense. 我曾认为你有点常识。
- The boy broke off a bit of wood and dropped it, with a dry leaf, into the box where the coin was before. 那男孩折了一小片木头,连同一片干树叶一起放进先前盛银币的盒子里。
- "Rendezvous seasoned with a bit of mass are the best sort. 情人的约会,配上点宗教色彩,那真够味儿。
- George's game for anything with a bit of adventure in it. 凡有一点冒险性质的事乔治都愿做。
- I had a pastrami on rye with a bit of mustard and some pickles. 我点了稞麦面包夹熏牛肉,加了芥末和泡菜。
- I am going to touch up the scratches with a bit of paint. 我要用点颜料修补那些划痕。
- A cell looks like a bit of clear jelly with a thin wall round it. 在显微镜下,细胞看上去如一滴透明的胶状物体,周围有一层很薄的壁。
- I always fry potatoes in hot fat with a bit of onion . 我总是用热油炸土豆并且加些洋葱。