- Hank was done Brown by a witch doctor. 汉克被巫医欺骗了
- Witch doctor using a fire bomb spell. 巫医正在使用火焰炸弹法术。
- "The witch doctor?" he repeated incredulously. “巫医?”他有些不相信,又重复了一遍。
- He smells out plagiarism with the fury of a witch doctor. 对于抄袭来的文章,他的嗅觉如巫医般敏感,且怒不可遏。
- Amani Charm of the Witch Doctor: Tooltip typo corrected. :工具栏显示修复。
- They are ready to be taken over by any witch doctor, guru, or dictator. 他们甘愿归附于巫医、古鲁或独裁者。
- They are ready to be taken over by any witch doctor,guru,or dictator. 他们甘愿归附于巫医、古鲁或独裁者。
- The witch doctor is practicing planchette writing to tell one's fortune. 那位巫医正在扶乩问卜。
- Sorcerer and witch doctor, grigri and juju, are still an integral part of the African pattern. 巫师和巫医,护符和物神仍都是非洲型态不可缺少的部份。
- Sorcerer and witch doctor,grigri and juju,are still an integral part of the African pattern. 巫师和巫医,护符和物神仍都是非洲型态不可缺少的部份。
- In fact, all of the male leads, the chieftain, the witch doctor, and Olmec could be considered representation of Max. 而实际上,我们可以把所有的男性领导人:酋长、巫医和欧米克都看作是代表了麦克斯。
- One 2002 missions trip to Belize found him ministering to a village witch doctor who was very ill. 2002年他在伯利兹执行一项医疗任务时,为一个病得很厉害的乡村巫医提供帮助。
- Once a gifted troll witch doctor, young Rhasta was well versed with the secrets of voodoo magic. 身为食人妖中天赋异禀的巫医,年轻的罗斯塔精通各种巫术的秘密。
- The witch doctors were bedizened in all their gaudiest costumes. 女巫医穿上她们最绚丽的衣服,打扮得俗不可耐。
- The newest witch doctor ability let you summon spiders from a zombie corpse in the ground. 最新的巫医就能让你召唤蜘蛛从一个僵尸的尸体在地上。
- This attitude coupled with a degree of "Witch Doctor" chemistry surrounding admixtures had led to a slow and reluctant acceptance of these materials. 对外加剂的化学作用带有某种程度“巫医”的看法,使得这些材料的应用缓慢而勉强。
- Most spellcasters (Sorceress, Priest, Shaman, Witch Doctor, Necromancer, Banshee, Druid of the Talon) have been re-balanced. 绝大多数的魔法部队(女精灵,男精灵,萨满,巫医,亡灵巫师,女妖,猛禽德鲁伊)都被重新平衡。
- With a piercing howl a menacing specter erupts from the Witch Doctor's body, which works to horrify enemies and send them fleeing for a limited time. 一声刺耳嚎叫后一个恐怖有幸从巫医身体里爆发出来,这可以恐吓敌人使其逃窜一段时间。
- Necro fans on the other hand, probably won't be too thrilled to learn of his disappearance, despite the Witch Doctor class's similarities. 另一方面,男巫的粉丝应该不会因为这个职业的消失而紧张,因为巫医是很类似与男巫的一个职业。
- While every other class has something new and facinating, the Witch Doctor is basically a class that is a bag of gimmicks, holding no actual substance. 而其他班有新的东西和入迷,巫医基本上是一个类,是一袋噱头,手里拿着无实际的物质。