- Riders need a good sense of balance. 骑车的人必须善 於保持平衡。
- I would question the wisdom of borrowing such a large sum of money. 我怀疑借这么一大笔钱是否明智。
- A country should mainly rely on the strength and wisdom of its own people. 一个国家应主要依靠本国人民的办量和智慧。
- The two trucks had wheels out of balance on delivery. 这两部卡车在交货时车轮失去了平衡。
- Blurt out English and blurt out the wisdom of life! 脱口而出英语,脱口而出生命的智慧!
- Events were to prove the wisdom of their decision. 这些事情都可证明他们的决定是正确的。
- We should learn the wisdom of the Bolsheviks. 我们应该学习的是布尔什维克的聪明。
- The result prove the wisdom of the act. 结果证明行动是否明智。
- One who is skilled in feats of balance and agility in gymnastics. 杂技演员,体操运动员在体操的平衡与灵活技巧方面十分娴熟
- They are the wit and wisdom of the place. 他们是当地的能人贤士。
- They might have the wisdom of life. 他们也许掌握了人生的智慧。
- Of the wisdom of this maxim Mr. Slope was ignorant. 斯洛普先生对这句至理名言的明智之处一无所知。
- Athletes need a good sense of balance. 运动员要有良好的平衡感。
- Social life is the fountain of wisdom of writers. 社会生活是作家们智慧的源泉。
- The beam of balance tipped to right side. 天平横杆倾向右方。
- At seven years old, she had the wisdom of Solomon. 她才7岁,就有了所罗门的智慧。
- A state of balance or equilibrium; stability. 平衡或均势的状态;稳定
- A proverb distils the wisdom of ages. 谚语是许多世纪智慧的精华。
- Buddha came here to teach of balance and no fear. 佛陀来这里教导平衡和没有恐惧。
- A proverb is the wisdom of men and the wit of one. 谚语是众人的智慧,也体现个人的机智。