- Wireless PDA access and display DICOM medical images through accessing the JPIP server. 无线PDA通过访问JPIP服务器,实现对DICOM医学图像的访问与显示。
- One of their hopes is to use wireless PDAs for banking and shopping. 他们的希望之一是使用无线PDA进行银行服务和购物。
- A first attempt was tiny wireless PDAs that could display stripped-down Web pages on their even tinier screens. 第一次尝试是可以打开网页,呈现在更小的屏幕上的微型无线PDA。
- One idea is to use the wireless PDAs as a kind of electronic wallet authorizing payments in stores as a replacement for cash and credit cards. 一种想法是将无线掌上电脑作为一种电子钱包,授权在商店支付,代替现金和信用卡。
- Feasibility Probe to application of wireless PDA technique for safety monitor and control in coal field railway zone 无线PDA技术应用于矿区铁路站区作业安全监控的可行性探讨
- He sent me the news by wireless telegraph. 他用无线电报把消息告诉我。
- The police talked to each other by wireless. 警察用无线电通话。
- She sits up to all hours with her wireless. 她经常深夜不睡,听收音机。
- They have installed wireless apparatus on board. 他们已在船上安装了无线电设备。
- The news of the event was given out over the wireless. 那一事件的消息是通过无线电发表的。
- wireless PDA 无线手持
- The Ole PDA is a hot seller this year. 欧磊PDA是今年的热卖商品。
- PDA Edition is optimized for size and speed. PDA Edition的大小和速度。
- Yet what can one do when there is no PDA? 但是什么时候才能做一个毫无掌上?
- Utimaco SafeGuard PDA Enterprise E. 加密保护。
- SDA and PDA were apt for this fungus. SDA及PDA较适合阿萨希丝孢酵母生长
- Will we get our daily news via the PDA? 现在我们得到消息,透过PDA的每天?
- The steamers are fitted with wireless. 那艘轮船装有无线电。
- Now I can just get it from my PDA. 现在我能从pda中得到需要的信息。
- What is a patent ductus arteriosus (PDA)? 什么是动脉导管未闭?