- It incorporates a hous piping system which feeds the individual consumers and a supply piping system which delivers the water from the meter box to the house system. 系统包括向每个用户供水的室内管道系统,一个将水从水表送至室内系统的给水管道系统。
- The third floor housed a sauna, a massage parlor, and a mixed-gender bathhouse. 三楼有一间桑拿房、一问按摩室和一间男女混合的浴室。
- The head of Gateway Community College in Tilbury says the success of the house system has proved wrong the "inverted snobs" who were against it. 一个学院计分系统“很大程度的提高了学生们的学习热情,”一名校长说。
- The main floor houses 3 bedrooms, the living dinging area and a study. 主层包括3个卧室,生活就餐区和一个书房。
- Good results were attained in the reform of the urban housing system. 城镇住房制度改革取得明显成效。
- A drastic reformation of the present housing system has been carried out. 目前的住房制度正在彻底改革。
- The second floor houses some of Singapore's best eating stalls that once lined the streets of Chinatown. 第二层是过去牛车水街边小贩被重新被安置的地方。
- The third floor housed a sauna, a massage parlor , and a mixed-gender bathhouse. 三楼有一间桑拿房、一问按摩室和一间男女混合的浴室。
- The upper floor houses small statues, jewels, Tutankhamon treasures and the mummies. 这是世界上最著名、规模最大的古埃及文物博物馆。
- As housing system reform, private the grow in quantity that buys a house, praedial a when also begin to make private money main component. 随着住房制度改革,私人购房的增多,不动产也开始成为私人财富的一个重要组成部分。
- NTS’ al fresco refectory offers healthy and nutritious food as well as opportunities for the development of social skills through the house system (which determines seating patterns). 学校拥有干净清洁的露天食堂,并为学生提供营养健康的餐饮,以年级,班级的形式安排每个学生的座位。
- My new house is on the sixth floor. 我的新房子在六楼。
- The 1st floor was renovated to be a Teppanyaki restaurant, while the 2nd and 3rd floor houses a Japanese &Yakiniku Restaurant. 白色的小洋房,漂亮的大花园,透明的玻璃房,一楼是铁板烧,二楼三楼是日式料理,仅在周六中午有这种海鲜自助。
- This paper analyzed function of the smart house system, made a brief overview of the principle of design smart house, discussed detailedly smart house how to affect on interior design. 摘要在分析智能家居系统功能的基础上,简要介绍了智能家居的设计原则,详细讨论了智能家居对室内设计的影响。
- A kite dangles from a telephone wire. 一只风筝悬挂在电话线上晃来晃去。
- Don't scrape your feet on the floor. 别用脚蹭著地板。
- The tables are firmly fixed to the floor. 桌子都牢牢地固定在地板上。
- With deft fingers she untangled the wire. 她用灵巧的手指解开了金属线。