- Torrential rain washed out most of the weekend's events. 这场雨很大,周末比赛项目多数无法进行了。
- It started as a strike in the foundry, then that brought out most of the assembly workers as well. 开始时只是铸造车间的罢工,后来大部分装配工人也卷了进去。
- Lee Chin-long, 50, told Associated Press he watched as walls of mud and rock wiped out most of the village. 50岁的李金龙告诉美联社,他看到泥浆和岩石像一堵堵倒下的墙把大部分村庄淹没。
- Great tree soar above to cut out most of the light. 大树参天,把光线差不多都挡住了。
- As the white man arrived, plagues wiped out most of the Polynesians and they fell in consciousness. 当白人到达时,瘟疫消灭了大部分波利尼西亚人,其意识也随之下降。
- The earth's atmosphere filters out much of the sun's radiation. 地球大气层可以滤掉太阳的大部分射线。
- Great trees soar above to cut out most of the light. 大树参天,把光线差不多都挡住了。
- These courts carry out most of the executions. 大多数的死刑都在这些法院执行。
- Storm damage blacked out much of the region. 暴风雨的袭击使这个地区大范围断电
- This is the place that we wipe out more than 7000 enemies. 这就是我们歼灭七千多敌人的地方。
- The surge emptied out most of the apartments on the second floor. 巨浪已经把公寓二层楼上几乎所有的房间洗劫一空。
- He has now knocked out most of the other competitors. 现在他已击败了大多数的其他竞赛者。
- Only in this way can we wipe out the enemy troops. 只有用这样的方法我们才能消灭敌军。
- We will wipe out all the enemies who dare to intrude into our country. 我们要消灭一切敢于入侵的敌人。
- The choice of the enemy troops has been completely wiped out. 敌人的精锐部队已被全歼。
- We sent a telegram to the Military Commission saying that we could take advantage of the favourable situation to wipe out more enemy troops in the Shanxi-Hebei-Shandong-Henan area and to draw more of them and pin them down. The situation was very good. 我们打电报给军委,说趁势还能够在晋冀鲁豫地区继续歼灭一些敌人,吸引和牵制更多的敌人,形势很好啊。
- The bubonic plague swept off most of the villagers. 那场淋巴腺鼠疫夺去了大部分村民的生命。
- The enemy guns put many of our tanks out of action. 敌军炮火击毁我军很多坦克。
- Mentally, Mel Bakersfeld filtered out most of the exchange. 梅尔·贝克斯费尔德在思想上对这一对话的大部分听不进去。
- Spanish colonizers wiped out most of those attitudes in the 1500s by forcing conversion to Catholicism. 西班牙殖民者消灭大多数人的态度在十六,强迫转化为天主教。