- Saab winning bidder is expected within the next few weeks. 阿萨博中标者预计在未来几个星期内。
- You're perfectly welcome to inspect the winning bid. 我们很欢迎你来查阅得标者。
- Would the winning bidder have been willing to pay more for the item? 获胜的竞标者是否愿意为商品支付更多?
- Speech After Beijing Win Bid of Olympics by President Jiang Zemin. 江泽民主席在北京申奥成功后的讲话。
- The tenderer may also authorize the bid assessment committee to directly determine the winning bidder. 招标人也可以授权评标委员会直接确定中标人。
- The winning bidder shall pay a performance bond if the bid invitation documents require the winning bidder to do so. 招标文件要求中标人提交履约保证金的,中标人应当提交。
- The bid-winning notice is legally binding on both the tenderer and the winning bidder. 中标通知书对招标人和中标人具有法律效力。
- Instead, the ministry has sided with Opel workers, deeming the winning bidder must back GM's European operations. 相反,该部已站在欧宝工人,认为中标者必须回到通用汽车的欧洲业务.
- The bid inviting party and the winning bidder may not subsequently conclude other agreement which contravene the substantive terms of the contract. 招标人和中标人不得再行订立背离合同实质性内容的其他协议。
- The tenderer and the winning bidder may not conclude any other agreement contrary to the substantial contents of the contract. 招标人和中标人不得再行订立背离合同实质性内容的其他协议。
- Ferrari Chairman Luca di Montezemolo will also include a signed certificate and a personalized dedication plate to the winning bidder. 法拉利主席蒙特泽莫罗也将包括签发证书和个性化的奉献板中标者。
- The massage of Beijing win bid of Olympics really make us blood tingle. 北京申奥成功的消息令我们热血沸腾。
- A winning bidder may not transfer the winning project to another person and may not break the winning project into parts for transferring them separately to other persons. 中标人不得向他人转让中标项目,也不得将中标项目肢解后分别向他人转让。
- Chinese leaders describe winning bids as a solemn trust. 中国领导人将申办成功视为(世界对中国)庄严的信任。
- Specifically, they model any bidder's WTP as being at least as high as his or her winning bid and below the winning bid (otherwise, they can counterbid). 特别的,他们认为任意竞标者的WTP至少与他的获胜出价一样高,或者低于获胜出价。
- But for watermelon, the winning bid drew a gasp even from veterans of the expensive-fruit market. 但对西瓜,这次得标价仍使对昂贵水果市场早已见怪不怪的老手也不得不倒抽一口气。
- But Marc Ecko, a clothing designer from California, had the winning bid at $752,467. 但是一个来自加里福尼亚的服装设计师马克以752,46美元中标。
- They find that for these data, the winning bid is slightly higher than the second-highest WTP. 他们发现,获胜的出价只是比第二高的支付意愿稍高。
- The online company also placed the winning bid for a grilled cheese sandwich said to show the image of the Virgin Mary. 该网路公司也曾标下一个烤焦的三明治,据说此三明治上面出现圣母玛丽亚的图像。
- At most sales, buyers have to pay a premium (usually 10 per cent plus Value Added Tax--VAT--on the premium) on top of their winning bid. 在大多数拍卖会上,购买者在出价买下之外还要加付一笔钱,通常是10%25的增值税。