- Raising high his wine cup, how intent he looks! 高举酒杯,这么专注啊!看样子
- He placed the wine cup and jug beside the bed. 他把酒杯和水壶放在床边。
- This set of crystal wine cups is very expensive. 这套水晶玻璃酒杯非常昂贵。
- Night, red wine cup cool liquid against the background of the lily. 夜里,红酒杯中,凉凉的液体映衬着百合的娇躯。
- Wine cups and dishes lay about in disorder in the room. 屋里杯盘狼藉。
- A small handless wine cup below old Qian Fang says: "Impossible, how wrong. 老钱放下酒盅说:“不可能吧,怎么错了。”
- Glad to see on the table wine cups were laid. 有酒盈樽。
- The window opened,we face field and ground; Wine cup in hand,we talk of crops of grain. 开轩面场圃把酒话桑麻。
- Cheers and laughter(sweet words(grandiloquence(nonsense(wordless (the five step of being drunk) (The wine cup is shallow, but it can drown people. 欢声笑语(甜言蜜语(豪言壮语(胡言乱语(不言不语(醉酒五步曲)(酒杯虽浅,却能把人淹死。)
- The window opened, we face field and ground; Wine cup in hand, we talk of crops of grain. 开轩面场圃把酒话桑麻。
- The more he talked, the angrier he became. Fuddled with drink, he clumsily knocked over his wine cup. 他越说越气,毛手毛脚地喝酒, 把酒杯都打翻了。
- The plum mummy join improbity in the wine cup of the desire, bubble make to be full of lure of city night. 梅妈咪在欲望的酒杯里加入邪恶,泡制充满诱惑的都市夜晚。
- Cheers and laughters(sweet words(grandiloquence(nonsense(wordless (the five step of being drunk) (The wine cup is shallow, but it can drown people. 欢声笑语(甜言蜜语(豪言壮语(胡言乱语(不言不语(醉酒五步曲)(酒杯虽浅,却能把人淹死。)
- Wine cups and dishes lay about in disorderin the room. 屋里杯盘狼藉。
- He came over and raised his wine cup, merely uttering, “Cheers, Meizi,” then went on with his food, looking devoted and earnest. 他端着酒杯过来,只说了一句话,梅子,干一下。然后埋头吃东西,吃得投入而认真。
- Cheers and laughters(sweet words(grandiloquence(nonsense(wordless (the five steps of geting drunk) (The wine cup is shallow, but it can drown people. 欢声笑语(甜言蜜语(豪言壮语(胡言乱语(不言不语(醉酒五步曲)(酒杯虽浅,却能把人淹死。)
- Cheers and laughers(sweet words(grandiloquence(nonsense(wordless (the five steps of getting drunk) (The wine cup is shallow, but it can drown people. 欢声笑语(甜言蜜语(豪言壮语(胡言乱语(不言不语(醉酒五步曲)(酒杯虽浅,却能把人淹死。)
- And market consciousness criterion excessive wine cup, rise suddenly hereat before the Enlightenment that regards a thought as forerunner. 而市场意识则滥觞、勃兴于此前作为思想先导的启蒙运动。
- I raise the attractive bright moon of the wine cup invitation, lower the head to peep to see a figure and the compotation has already had three people. 我举起酒杯邀请媚人的明月,低头窥见身影,共饮已有三人。
- Cheers and laughers(sweet words(grandiloquence(nonsense(wordless (the five step of being drunk) (The wine cup is shallow, but it can drown people. 欢声笑语(甜言蜜语(豪言壮语(胡言乱语(不言不语(醉酒五步曲)(酒杯虽浅,却能把人淹死。)