- And what do you do for window dressing? 那么,你橱窗布置又摆些什么?
- This little book is the window dressing for his French course. 这本小书是他法文课中用来引起学生兴趣的花样。
- The reforms have been interpreted as window dressing. 这些变革被称作是装饰门面。
- The visual styling is more than just window dressing. 视觉造型不单单是粉饰门面。
- The company's support of scientific research is just window dressing. 这个公司支持科学研究只不过是摆样子给人看的。
- Clearly in such cases the sophisticated methodology is exploited as mere window dressing for decisions already made. 显然,在这种情况下,这种复杂的方法只是用来为早已作出的决策装饰门面罢了。
- We will see whether the "save our cities"campaign is for real or just window dressing. 我们要看看这次“拯救我们的城市”运动是认真的还是装装门面。
- Today's market gain maybe just calendar year end window dressing for Funds.We may know if DJI bottomed soon in this week. 现在不容易有400点大阳棒, 联储手里没有子弹了 ,除非油突然大跌。
- More radical critics will argue that 10:10 is just "feelgood" window dressing designed to paper over the cracks in a broken economic model. 更激进的批评者会说,10:10只不过是“令人感觉良好的”用于掩盖破碎经济模式裂缝的橱窗装饰。
- Heidi - Akram as the "host" and the only Judge, was proved to be a real "window dressing" and the opening of the "one-off" and end "Yishuai" artificial Poxian. 海蒂-克拉姆作为“东道主”和唯一的女主持,却被证明是个实实在在的“花瓶”,开场的“一脱”和结尾处的“一摔”都颇显做作。
- They have painted the living room and tidied the garden in order to sell the house,but it's really only window dressing because the roof needs attention and the electric wiring is still unsafe. 为了出售房子他们粉饰了起居室并整理了花园,不过那其实只是粉饰门面而已,因为房顶需要修缮,供电线路还不安全。
- They have painted the living room and tidied the garden in order to sell the house, but it's really only window dressing because the roof needs attention and the electric wiring is still unsafe. 为了出售房子他们粉饰了起居室并整理了花园,不过那其实只是粉饰门面而已,因为房顶需要修缮,供电线路还不安全。
- Well, the hospital is still there anyway merely as a window dressing to suit Pak Lah's constituency status as a developed township after he became prime minister.Wastage of public funds. 虽然,医院仍然存在,无论如何,仅仅作为一种门面工夫,以适应巴拉成为首相,作为一个发展该选区的地位,真是浪费公款!
- In addition, some professional money managers put cash to work at year's end in an effort to push up portfolios temporarily and improve their performance numbers, a practice known as window dressing. 此外,一些职业投资经理在年底时会买进股票,希望暂时增加持股比例,改善业绩,这也就是所谓的粉饰业绩。
- The boy got a good beating for breaking the window. 那男孩因打碎窗玻璃而被狠狠打了一顿。
- He was dressing the shop window. 他在布置商店橱窗。
- The paint on the windows has flaked. 窗子上的油漆剥落了。
- Rain has been drumming on the windows all night. 大雨通夜不停地敲打着窗户。
- The boys were spitting out of the train window. 那些男孩子向火车窗外吐口水。
- The putty gives a good seal round the window. 窗户四周泥的油灰密封效果很好。