- Wind Load Configure Coefficients of Dome in Load Code 对荷载规范中旋转壳顶的风载体型系数的研究
- Based on the theory of stochastic vibration and the Chinese wind loading codes,the coefficient K in the expression of Davenport spectrum is formularized in this paper. 根据随机振动理论和我国风荷载规范 ,导出了Davenport谱中系数K的计算公式 ,确立了系数K与地面粗糙度指数之间的关系 ;
- wind load code 风荷载规范
- The wind load resistance is80 N/ m2 for maximum sizes, i. e.11 m/ s. 最大尺寸门的抗风压能力为80牛顿/2,即11米/。
- In the 1997 edition of the Uniform Building Code (UBC), the wind load provisions are, for the most part, the same technical provisions incorporated into an earlier code, the 1991 UBC. 在1997年版的统一建筑规范(英属哥伦比亚大学),在大多数情况下对风荷载的规定是同样的技术规定被纳入较早的1991年版的规范。
- At the start of the game you load code to gain back your profile with experience, rank and medals gained so far. 游戏开始的时候你载入密码来获得你到目前为止的个人资料包括经验,军衔,勋章。
- Finally, the deducing results are applied to reliability appraisal of a real project;then, this appraisal conclusion is compared with that in term of the extant load code. 将推导结果应用于实际工程的可靠性鉴定中,并将该鉴定结论与按照现行荷载标准取值的鉴定结论进行对比分析。
- Wind loads are not a significant factor for structural design. 风载荷对于结构设计就成了没有意义的因素。
- There appears some flexibility at the top of tower with high ratio of height to diameter (H/D),caused by wind load. 高径比(H/D)较大的塔在风载荷的作用下,在塔顶处会引起一定的静挠度。
- Wind loads are dynamic in nature, but are treated in the code as quasi-static lateral inward and/or outward acting building forces. 风荷载性质是动态的,但在规范中是作为静态横向荷载处理的,作用在建筑物的外部或内部。
- If a tarpaulin/ sheeting is secured to the scaffolding, has the scaffolding been designed to withstand the additional wind load? 如果脚手架上固定了帆布/皮,脚手架的设计能力能够承受额外的风力负荷吗?
- Development of load code and controlling load condition were discussed,Detailed analysis of cable-truss,bridge tower,stiffening girder and anchorage was done which proved that LSCTB is a competing bridge type. 在全桥整体分析中,对索桁架结构、桥塔和加劲梁在各种最不利荷载组合的情况进行了详细分析,并提出了锚碇的初步设计方案。 通过翔实的静力研究证明了大跨索桁桥是一种材料节省,静力刚度大,具有良好的经济指标和使用性能的新桥型。
- Firstly the pulse wind load was determined and time process curve simulation of the pulse wind load was done by AR method. 首先确定了点支式玻璃幕墙鱼腹式柔性支承体系所承受的风荷载,运用AR法对脉动风荷载进行了模拟;
- The reasonable arch axis equation of wharf structure is put up in this article according to the theory of arch axis equation of open spandrel bridge engineering and the relative load code. 根据拱桥中拱梁空腹式的拱轴线方程理论,结合有关规范,得到了码头结构中拱式纵梁合理的拱轴线方程。
- This time the entire structure of the high-rise building wind load resistance all the strength and stiffness to achieve maximum efficiency. 这个时候此高层建筑的整个结构抵抗风荷载的所有强度和刚度将达到最大的效率。
- If a tarpaulin/sheeting is secured to the scaffolding, has the scaffolding been designed to withstand the additional wind load? 如果脚手架上固定了帆布/铁皮,脚手架的设计能力能够承受额外的风力负荷吗?
- Fixed some save game loading code which would sometimes cause friendlies not to be created. 修正了一些导致友谊赛不能创建的存档读取代码。
- All those tricky things like loading code in running systems, exception handling etc. 所有的技巧性事物,比如将代码载入运行的系统,异常处理等。
- Wind load is a crucial controlling factor for high-rise structure.So, after confirming its shape coefficients, we can begin to design it. 摘要风荷载是高耸结构的控制因素,对高耸结构必须先确定体型系数,才能进行设计。
- Wind load is a main variable in OCS design, its right selection is very important for safety operation of OCS and economic efficiency of the system. 风荷载是接触网设计中主要的可变荷载,风速取值的正确与否对接触网的运行安全及系统的经济性至关重要。