- Next to the Daban Wind Farm in Xinjiang. 中国第二大风电场。
- Are women taking over the farm in China? 中国妇女正在接手农活吗?
- wind farm in China 中国风电场
- A view on Dairy Farming in China. 关于中国奶场的看法。
- Plans to build the largest wind farm in the world in the Thames Estuary have been submitted. 英国3家公司日前联合向英国有关部门提交了一项计划,拟耗资15亿英镑在泰晤士河河口建造一座世界上最大的风力发电厂。
- Fruges, France, January 9, 2009--Workers put last touches on a wind turbine in a wind farm in northern France. 2009年1月9日,法国,弗吕日---在法国北部的一座风力发电厂,工人们在对风力涡轮机做最后的检查。
- Among proposals that have already been scrapped is a plan for a 27-turbine wind farm in the Lake District. 在已经废弃的提议中有一个是计划在雷克区修建一个由27个涡轮发电机组成的农场。
- There is as yet little modern capitalist farming in China. 中国尚少新式的资本主义的农业。
- His company, Mesa Power, has already invested $2 billion to build the world's largest wind farm in Pampa, a small town in the Texas panhandle. 他的企业美萨电力(MesaPower)已投资20亿美元在位于德州狭长地带的潘帕(Pampa)小镇建立世界上最大的风力发电场。
- Chinese company that is going public in Canada TSX is looking for a CFO.The company is building, owning, and operating wind farms in Heilongjiang Province, China. 如果你熟悉加拿大的股市、有金融背景、又希望有一半时间在加拿大工作一半时间在北京工作,估计这是一个难得的机会。
- He has a large farm in the Mississippi Valley. 他在密西西比河流域拥有一个大农场。
- T. Kaneko, T. Senjyu, A. Yona, M. Datta, T. Funabashi, Chul-Hwan Kim, “Output Power Coordination Control for Wind Farm in Small Power System,” IEEE Conference Proceeding, pp.1-6, November 2007. 罗建升、李科贤、张简乐仁、林胤均,“应用类神经网路演算法于频率调节服务的效能评估及成本量化基准,”第二十六届电力工程研讨会,2005年12月,中坜。
- CPI's misfortune in the Bayin Oboo wind farm represents the plight of the most wind farms in Inner Mongolia. 中电投巴音敖包风场的遭遇代表了内蒙古大部分风场的困境。
- Using time series method to establish ARIMA (11,1,0) model for some wind speed directly measured from wind farms’ certain station in China. 文章运用时间序列法对我国某风电场测风站实测风速建立时序ARIMA(11,1,0)模型,并进行风速预测。
- The kidnappers' lair was an old farm in the hills. 绑架者的藏身处是一座山上的旧农场。
- Tax official: Does your office pay tax in china? 税务局:您所在的办事处交税吗?
- You can see this in the debate over the creation of giant wind farms in the ocean or on hillsides. 在对建造位于海上或山上的大型风力发电场的争论中,你能明白这一问题。
- I wouldn't marry him for all the tea in China. 有天大好处我也不嫁给他。
- He ran his farm in the red because of successive crop failure. 因为连续农作物欠收,他经营农庄出现了亏损。
- Before 1955, farming in China was carried out on some 100 million family farms. 1955年以前,中国的农业是由大约1亿个农业家庭负担的。