- Not until 1916 did the UMW finally win recognition from the anthracite operators. 直到1916年,美国矿工联合会才终于得到无烟煤矿资方承认。
- Throughout history at the outset new and correct things often failed to win recognition from the majority of people and had to develop by twists and turns through struggle. 历史上新的正确的东西,在开始的时候常常得不到多数人承认,只能在斗争中曲折地发展。
- Our capital market has attracted huge amounts of overseas funds and won recognition from international investors. 此外,我们的资本市场吸引了大量海外资金,得到国际投资者认同。
- Win recognition from sb. 赢得(某人的)赏识,博得(某人的)好评
- He company wins recognition from other makers in the same sector with "standardized quality "of its products and wins trust fromclients with reasonable prices . 恒隆五金制品有限公司以产品“质量、标准化”赢得各行业认可以“价格,合理性”赢得众用户信赖。
- Along with the development of the fast construction and progress of Internet, the application of ISDN and IP technology especially the later one has won recognition from more and more people. 随着互联网建设的迅速发展,ISDN和IP技术尤其是后者的应用越来越得到了人们的重视。
- Our job is to gain recognition from our customers. 使客人认可是我们的工作。
- Not until 1916 did the UMW finally win recognition from the anthracite operators 直到1916年,美国矿工联合会才终于得到无烟煤矿资方承认。
- Ms Lai promises a “diplomatic truce” with Beijing and an end to a costly (and losing) battle to win diplomatic recognition from tinpot countries. 赖幸媛女士许诺跟北京实现“外交停火”并停止代价高昂(且败相以露的)争取那些不值一提国家承认的外交战。
- Bethune had never received much recognition from his native country of Canada. 甚至于连他的造诣都不被认可(可能是因为他是共产主义者的关系)。
- A score of men were on their feet clamoring for recognition from the chair. 一二十个人站了起来,叫喊着要求主席同意发言。
- win recognition from 赢得; 博得 ... 的好评
- But in times when talents were envied and slandered they could not truly win recognition and honor from the fatuous ruling class. 但昏庸的统治阶级并没有真正重视和爱惜人才,嫉贤妒能的社会也没有给予他们应有的荣誉。
- In Russia, the highest sign of recognition from the Crown meant a kiss from the Tsar himself. 在俄国,得到皇室承认的最高象征就是沙皇本人给予的亲吻。
- Before the age of thirty he had already won recognition beyond Red circle. 他不到三十岁就博得了红军内外人士的尊重。
- The way someone receives recognition from others can be positive and negative, too! 某人得到他人认可的方式也可以既是正面又是负面的!
- Note: Documents have to be notarized and require recognition from the Philippine Embassy. 注意:证明材料需通过公证,并需经菲律宾驻中国使、领馆认证。
- Satisfied my clients/cu-tomersand finish lhe case successfully. Get high recognition from my superiors and ucolleagues. 户满意;成功完成项目.;赢得领导和同事的认可
- Satisfied my clients/customers and finis xthe case successfully. Get high recognition from my superiors and colleagues. 令客户满意;成功完成项目.;赢得领导和同事的认可
- China and Taiwanhave long battled for diplomatic recognition from South Pacific nations, eager for their support in international forums. 中国大陆和台湾长期以来为争南太平洋国家的外交承认而争斗不休,双方都热切地希望得到这些国家在国际论坛上的支持。