- He will of course say yes to my proposal. 他一定会同意我的建议的。
- Have you heard about the story of Adam and Eve ? 你听过亚当和夏娃的故事吗?
- The information will of course be kept strictly confidential. 如收到回音,不必再陈明,定会严守秘密。
- He (Mohammed) is the best of the sons of Adam. 他(穆罕默德)是阿丹后裔中最优秀的。
- Have you hear about the story of adam and eve? 你听过亚当和夏娃的故事吗?
- God created Eve from one of Adam's ribs. 上帝用亚当的一根肋骨创造了夏娃。
- Let me offer you a glass of Adam's ale. 让我以水代酒,敬你一杯。
- The boy has a will of his own in doing everything. 这孩子做任何事都是我行我素。
- Let's give her a glass of Adam's ale. 我们给她一杯水吧。
- According to the Bible we are all the seed of Adam. 根据《圣经》所说的,我们都是亚当的后裔。
- Never will they bend to the will of a tyrant. 他们绝不屈从任何暴君的意志。
- Please give me a bottle of Adam' s ale. 请给我一瓶水。
- A law should be a reflex of the will of the people. 法律应该是全民意志的反映。
- Have you heard about the story of Adam and Eve? 你听过亚当和夏娃的故事吗?
- His lecture hit the will of the most. 他的演讲迎合了大多数人的愿望。
- The garden that was the first home of Adam and Eve. 伊甸园亚当与夏娃居为第一个家的花园
- We will not bend to the will of a tyrant. 我们不愿服从暴君的意志。
- The duplication of ADAM and LILITH. 亚当和利利斯的复制品。
- That child certainly has a will of his own. 那孩子真任性。
- He married her against the will of his parents. 他违背父母的意愿与她结了婚。