- I shot a wild pig and took it back to the cabin. 射杀了一条野猪,带回小木屋。
- Indonesian wild pig with enormous curved canine teeth. 印度尼西亚野猪,雄性有巨大弯曲的犬齿。
- A Penan boy hauls a wild pig's head home for cooking. 一个本南男孩正在拖一头野猪回家,这将是他们的美餐。
- Segregation could not give rise to offspring with wild pig characteristic. 这不会分化出具有野猪性状的后代。
- Tiger preferred gaur and avoided muntjac, while the leopard avoided wild pig. 虎偏爱白肢野牛,而不喜欢麂,而豹子则不喜欢猎取野猪。
- A nocturnal, forest-dwelling wild pig(Babyrousa babyrussa) of the East Indies, having long, upward-curving tusks in the male. 东南亚疣猪,鹿豚东印度群岛一种夜间出没的,生活在森林中的野猪(东南亚疣猪),雄性有长长的向上弯曲的长牙
- Tiger killed more adult males than adult females of the following species: chital, sambar and wild pig. 对于白斑鹿、水鹿和野猪,老虎更多的杀死成年雄兽而非雌兽。
- Taiwan Root was welcomed to Huampami with a meal of boiled yucca, plantain, and a chunk of wild pig. 万帕米居民烹煮丝兰、 香 蕉以及大块肥美的野猪 大餐欢迎台湾路竹会。
- A nocturnal,forest-dwelling wild pig(Babyrousa babyrussa) of the East Indies,having long,upward-curving tusks in the male. 东南亚疣猪,鹿豚东印度群岛一种夜间出没的,生活在森林中的野猪(东南亚疣猪),雄性有长长的向上弯曲的长牙
- The chromosome evolution of wild pig and the domestic pig and the applications of 13/17 Robertsonian translocation chromosomes were discussed. 本文还讨论了家猪和野猪的染色体进化,13/17 罗伯逊易位染色体的应用。
- Black Bear (Ursus thibetanus) and Wild Pig (Sus scrofa) are the large mammals that fed on reasonable volume of bamboo shoot. 大量采食、中等采食和少量采食竹类的物种分别为1种、5种和33种,所占比例分别为2.;6%25、12
- Although they hunted wild pig they also worshipped pig as a god allowing pig to have its special place within their dream. 尽管他们会猎杀野猪,但他们也同时将猪崇拜为一个神灵,从而允许猪在他们的梦想中拥有一个特殊位置。
- In Miaulieg( Miaoli), a wild pig hunter accidentally shot himself in the abdomen36 times when he dropped an illegal gun after hearing a jeep that he thought to be police patrol. 苗栗有一耶去拍猎掠山猪耶郎,枪走火、家己耶腹肚呷三十六粒枪子,因为伊夯一枝非法耶枪,听著一只吉普车耶声,叫是是巡逻耶警察,枪掞落去煞走火。
- One day, it meets a wild pig. 有一天,它遇到一只野猪。
- In this visually stunning documentary, we accompany traditional hunters in the jungles of New Guinea as they track a wild pig and we join one of France's last traditional truffle hunters, who still uses a pig to sniff out these valuable fungi. 节目中,我们除跟随传统的捕猎者到新几内亚的森林追踪一只野猪外,亦将加入法国最后一批利用猪只搜猎的传统猎人。
- In another instance, crocodiles being farmed in Papua New Guinea to provide luxury items for the West had been infected by a virus from wild pig meat, which crossed to their keeper. 而在另一个例子中,在巴布亚新几内亚养殖的供西方奢侈品消费的鳄鱼被来自野猪肉中的一种病毒感染,并随后又将该病毒交叉感染给了养殖者。
- He larded the duck with pig fat to make it tasty. 他给鸭肉加了点猪油使它美味可口。
- ASF is endemic in domestic and wild pigs in most of sub-Saharan Africa and Sardinia/Italy. 非洲猪瘟在非洲撒哈拉以南大部分地区及意大利撒丁岛的家猪和野猪中传播。
- They reach their monumental size on a diet of wild pigs, deer, birds, turtles, capybara, caimans, and even jaguars. 长到如此大的尺寸,是由于它们可以捕食野猪,鹿,鸟,龟,水豚,凯门鳄甚至美洲虎。
- Breezes rustle the berry bushes.Myna birds call from treetops to wild pigs below. 微风轻拂,浆果丛沙沙作响,几只八哥站在树顶上,对着树下的野猪鸣叫。