- wide notched P wave P波增宽有切迹
- broad notched P wave P波切迹增宽
- notched P wave P波切迹
- Objective To study the relation between P wave dispersion, P wave width and paroxysmal atrial fibrillation. 目的研究心电图P波离散度、P波宽度与阵发性心房纤颤的关系。
- The P wave, or compressional wave, alternately compresses and expands material in the same direction it is traveling. 波,或称压缩波,在其传播过程中在同一方向交替压缩和拉伸介质(见上图)。
- Conclusion P wave maximum width or P wave dispersion is a dependable sign to predic... 结论P波离散度、P波最大宽度为一种预测阵发性心房纤颤的可靠指标。
- Seismic surveying is largely concerned with the primary P waves. 地震勘探主要研究一次纵波。
- About characteristics of P wave on ECGs these students were closer ordinarily healthy people than athletes. 以上现象男生较女生明显,体育专业学生的P波比运动员接近一般正常人。
- Conclusion ECG P wave amplitude changes are a useful standard in evaluating hyperthyroidism therapy. 结论心电图P波振幅的变化可以作为评价疗效的指标。
- The latencies of P wave evoked through nasal retina were more significantly prolonged than that through temporal retina (P<0.01). (2)半侧视野刺激斜视眼除鼻颞侧刺激P波潜伏期均延长外,同眼鼻侧视网膜P波潜伏期明显长于颞侧(P<0.;01);
- Meanwhile, some noninvasive surface EKG parameters such as P wave dispersion show promising application in the field of predicting AF. 一些无创的体表心电图指标如P波离散度等被认为能预测房颤的发生。
- The P wave impedance forward modeling technique is a conventional forward method based on reflection coefficient calculation. 波阻抗模型正演技术是一种基于反射系数计算的传统正演技术。
- The monitor is really a notch above us. 班长确实比我们略胜一筹。
- The specificity of negative P wave in lead I and aVL that indentifed a left atrial focus was 100% and 95% respectively, but the sensitivity was only 30% and 50% respectively. I导联和aVL导联P波负向预测左房房速的特异性分别达到了 10 0%25和 95%25 ,但敏感性分别仅有 30%25和 5 0%25 ;
- A new simple approach to effectively detect QRS-T complexes in ECG curve is described, so as to easily get the P wave (when AF does not happen) or the f wave (when AF happens). 提出了一种简便有效的、由心电图(ECG)曲线提取QRS-T复合波的新方法,从而获得P波(当房颤未发生时)或f波(当房颤时);
- The team notched up their third victory in a row. 该队连续三次获胜。
- The flood cut a wide swath in this area. 洪水席卷了这一地区,满目一片疮痍。
- The flowing granular media are taken as weak transverse isotropic media,and the phase velocity expressions of P wave,SH wave and SV wave are deduced accordingly. 把流动中的散体看作弱横观各向同性介质,给出了P波、SH波和SV波的速度表达式,分析了它们在流动散体介质中的传播特点。
- The paper has a wide readership. 该报拥有广泛的读者。
- Objective To investigate the application of P wave width in electrocardiography (ECG) in optimizing atrioventricular delay (AVD) for dual-chamber pacemaker. 目的:探索以心电图P波宽度优化双腔起搏器房室间期(AV间期)的方法,以期获得良好的血流动力学效果。