- The spokesman announced that the news was cut out of whole cloth. 那位发言人称,这则新闻纯属凭空捏造。
- The lie was made by him out of whole cloth. 他凭空编造了那套谎言。
- I don't believe a word of it. It is a lie out of the whole cloth. 我一点也不相信。那是彻头彻尾的谎言。
- He was lying out of the whole cloth about Frieda, but Angela didn't know and he knew she didn't know. 他说了许多关于弗里达的谎话,但是安吉拉不晓得他在撒谎,他也知道她不晓得。
- It's quite clear that the man's story is made out of whole cloth,and he will be found guilty. 很清楚,这个人所说的完全是编造的,他是会被判有罪的。
- He was lying out of the whole cloth about Frieda,but Angela didn't know and he knew she didn't know. 他说了许多关于弗里达的谎话,但是安吉拉不晓得他在撒谎,他也知道她不晓得。
- This report is positively denied in official circles, who affirm that nothing of the kind occured, but that the story is made of whole cloth. 这篇报导为官方人士断然否认,他们断言根本没有这回事,其内容线性凭空捏造。
- Cowperwood was lying out of the whole cloth in regard to bringing Stener with him. 柯帕伍说要带斯坦纳一同来是彻头彻尾的谎言。
- And when the black thread breaks, the weaver shall look into the whole cloth, and he shall examine the loom also. 当黑线断了,织工必须检查整匹布,同时也要检查织布机。
- It's quite clear that the man's story is made out of whole cloth, and he will be found guilty. 很清楚,这个人所说的完全是编造的,他是会被判有罪的。
- This report is positively denied in official circles,who affirm that nothing of the kind occured,but that the story is made of whole cloth. 这篇报导为官方人士断然否认,他们断言根本没有这回事,其内容线性凭空捏造。
- This report is positively denied in official circles,who affirm that nothing of the kind occurred,but that the story is made out of whole cloth. 这篇报导为官方人士所断然否认,他们断言根本没有这回事,其内容纯属凭空捏造。
- I see their chins and collars sometimes the whole clothes wet. 我知道他们之中有些是流浪者,艺术家,小说家,还有瘾君子。
- This report is positively denied in official circles, who affirm that nothing of the kind occurred, but that the story is made out of whole cloth. 这篇报导为官方人士所断然否认,他们断言根本没有这回事,其内容纯属凭空捏造。
- I saw the whole accident with my own eyes. 这次事故我是全部亲眼看到的。
- He reported on the whole event to the minister. 他把整个事件向部长做了汇报。
- I had to listen to the whole nauseating story. 我不得不从头到尾听那令人作呕的故事。
- He is the prime mover in the whole matter. 他是整个事件的发起者。
- My whole morning's work has been put out of gear by that mishap. 我一个上午的工作全让这倒霉的事给弄得乱了套。
- The custom impound the whole cargo. 海关没收了全部的船货。