- white water tray 白水盘
- She looked down at the foaming white water. 她往下看冒着白色泡沫的水。
- White water girds the eastern town. 白水绕东城。
- Plan events like camping or white water rafting. 天秤:可计划露营或激流滑艇;
- The man drowned after falling from a white water raft on a river. 这个男人从一个白色救生筏上掉到河里淹死了。
- You crave uncharted white water and a sustainable global economy, too. 你渴望到地图上未知的白色水域,同时也渴望一个能够养得起所有人的世界经济。
- If you live or vacation near the water, then fishing, scuba diving, snorkeling, and white water rafting are all warm weather possibilities. 如果你居住的地方或度假处邻近水边,那麽钓鱼、潜水、浮潜及泛舟都是温暖天气内的最佳选择。
- Pick This If: You crave uncharted white water and a sustainable global economy, too. 选择这个如果:你渴望到地图上未知的白色水域,同时也渴望一个能够养得起所有人的世界经济。
- As I baited up, a trout shot up out of the white water into the falls and was carried down. 当我挂鱼饵的时候,一条鳟鱼从白沫四溅的河水里一跃而起,窜进瀑布里,随即被冲了下去。
- Stretch of the Atlantic, Christopher Columbus noted curious glowing streaks of "white water". 进入这片大西洋的水域时,注意到“白色的海水”泛起一道道奇特的光。
- Good for coastal inland and open ocean water, lakes, bays, rivers and white water up to Class III. 适用于内陆沿海和开放海域,湖,海湾,河流和白水三级及以下。
- Not only will we take the high-speed rail, but also go surfing, jet skiing and white water rafting. 我们不但会搭高铁,还会去冲浪、玩水上摩托车,还有激流泛舟。
- The retention efficiency decreases with the increment of the white water recycling time. 随着白水循环回用次数的增加,助剂的助留助滤效果降低;
- The condenser will be supplied with perforated water trays from PP, for the distribution of the recycled mother liquor. 该冷凝器将配备由PP(聚丙烯)制成的筛板水塔盘,用于循环母液的分配。
- Thoroughly tested in a variety of applications including white water and weak black liquor. 在多种应用环境下进行全面的测试,包括:白水和弱黑液。
- We saw what we thought was a doe fording the torrent, her breast awash in white water. 我们看到一只母鹿涉过急流,乳房在水中若浮若沉。
- Here show a method to reduce white water pollution from the head stream by using high concentration technique. 本文提出合理应用高度浓缩技术从源头减少白水量,达到解决问题的方法。
- The effect of white water consistency on hydrosulfite bleaching of DIP and TMP pulps was introduced in this paper. 介绍了纸机白水浓度对DIP和TMP浆连二亚硫酸钠漂白的影响;
- Decreases white water solids to improve raw material yield and save all efficiency. 减少白色固体水,提高原料产量,及释放最大效率。