- The bride was dressed in white satin. 新娘穿一身白色缎子衣服。
- The walls were hung with white satin. 房间四壁挂起白色绸幔。
- She wore a white satin gown trimmed with lace. 她穿着一条饰有蕾丝花边的白色缎子长裙。
- I need a pair of white satin gloves. 我需要一副白缎手套。
- This time, she'd added white satin bows. 这回,她还加饰了白色缎带蝴蝶结。
- She was wearing a white satin gown that made her look like an angel. 她穿了一袭白色绸缎织成的礼服,让她看起来宛如天使一般。
- On chairs were laid elegant masquerade costumes of blue and white satin. 椅子上已放着高雅的小丑服装,是用蓝白色的绸缎做的。
- She set her sweet little foot, shod in white satin, on Marius' foot. 她把她那柔软的穿着白缎鞋的小脚放在马吕斯的脚上。
- She was wearing a pink bodice, black trousers and white satin embroidered slippers. 她穿着件粉红的卫生衣,下面衬着条青裤子,脚上趿拉着双白缎子绣花的拖鞋。
- Fully faceted clear crystal heart with Silver Shade crystal chaton accent; white satin ribbon. 完全清楚面心水晶银水晶遮荫海韵口音;白色缎丝带。
- This Stunning luxury white Satin gown is 2 pieces - a lace-up corset top, and a chapel length skirt. 这个惊人的豪华白色缎袍子是2件-花边了腰椎顶部,及教堂长裙子。
- Huang Xiaoming, clad in a white satin coat, fedora, aviators and black rhinestone gloves, proved why he is the hottest thing on the Mainland. 黄晓明,一件白色缎质外套,钉了亮片的黑色飞行员式手套,证明了他为什么是目前大陆最炙手可热的人物。
- This Stunning luxury white Satin gown is 2 pieces - a lace-up corset top, and a chapel length skirt. It is a quality, heavyweight satin fabric and is well lined. 这个惊人的豪华白色缎袍子是2件-花边了腰椎顶部,及教堂长裙子。这是一个优质,重量级缎面料,而且是排队。
- He set up a three-inch-high funeral curtain and laid white satin covers over the miniature ebony chairs, arranging every detail with greater care and enthusiasm than he would ever have expended on his match factory. 他竖起了三寸高的孝帏,又把那些火柴盒子大小的乌木双靠椅子都换上了白缎子的小椅披; 他一项一项布置,实在比他经营那火柴厂要热心得多,而且更加有计画!
- Maybelle Merriwether was to marry her little Zouave when he got his next furlough, and she cried every time she thought of it, for she had set her heart on marrying in a white satin dress and there was no white satin in the Confederacy. 梅贝尔 - 梅里韦瑟准备在那位小个儿义勇兵下次休假时同他结婚,她一想起这件事就哭鼻子,因为她下定决心要穿一件白缎子衣服结婚,可是在南部联盟境内找不到白缎子。
- The Moody Blues - Nights in White Satin 白缎之夜
- Amber satin and white lace were exactly what she desired. 琥珀色的缎子和白色的饰带正是她所想要的。
- Amber satin and white lace are exactly what she desires. 琥珀色的缎子和白色的饰带正是她所想要的。
- I heard John was the republican's great white hope. 我听说约翰是共和党人寄予巨大希望的人。
- The land is laid down with red or white clover. 这块土地种上了红花和白花苜蓿。