- It means the top-grade white porcelain. 有优质白瓷的意思。
- Blue and white porcelain has a white base with blue designs. 青花瓷是一种白地蓝花的瓷器,
- So a piece of white porcelain is a valuable collectable. 所以这白瓷还具有很高的收藏价值。
- Blue and white porcelain developed and spread quickly after its emergence. 青花瓷一经出现,迅速地得到传播和发展,
- Still have Fukien of virtuous turn a white porcelain product all very elegant. 还有福建的德化白瓷产品都十分精美。
- Reoccupy white porcelain, or simple ligneous knob does shake handshandle. 再用白瓷、或简单的木制旋钮做拉手。
- The emergence of blue and white porcelain is of epoch-making significance in porcelain history. 青花瓷的出现,在陶瓷史上具有划时代的意义。
- Four major kinds of porcelain are produced in Jingdezhen, of which blue and white porcelain is the most famous. 在景德镇的四大传统名瓷中,青花瓷器为其冠首,
- In the middle of a small pond Stands a pavilion of green And of white porcelain. 小小池塘的中央,矗立着一座凉亭,用绿白陶瓷建成。
- Even if the most commonly used white porcelain coffeepot, had flower set off, also can experience festal arrival. 即使是最常用的白瓷咖啡壶,有了花朵映衬,也能感受到节日的到来。
- Herbs can be ground to small pieces with this white porcelain mortar and pestle. 4. 图3:颗粒较小的药材用白磁杵臼就可以捣成粉了。
- Place of enamel colour china uses white porcelain embryo to be offerred by factory of Jingdezhen drive kiln. 珐琅彩瓷器所用白瓷胎由景德镇御窑厂提供。
- By turning clothing into white porcelain, malleable forms are fossilised into permanent, yet fragile, objects. 她的白瓷衣物在陈列柜上让人错觉是真的衣服,可是又如此脆弱细腻,凝定不变。
- The so-called faience is porcelain other than celadon and white porcelain, including the blue and white. 所谓彩瓷,是指青瓷、白瓷以外的瓷器,包括青花瓷。
- Add the bottle of blue and white porcelain of big abdomen, the sitting room sends the weather that has Rong Naida. 加上大肚的青花瓷瓶,客厅一派有容乃大的气象。
- General mixed water surface for electroplating chromium, but also chromium and gold-plated, white porcelain. 一般混水龙头外表为电镀铬,也有镀铬加金、白瓷的。
- These include an analysis of considerable quantities of Ming blue and white porcelain collected and excavated from Penny's Bay,Lantau. 这些研究工作,包括对近年在大屿山竹篙湾出土的大量明代青花瓷器进行分析。
- Clearing up of piled up bricks, uncovered few fragmented coal and iron utensils. At the bottom of the pile a white porcelain cup was found. 方形砖块堆叠现象清理,其内出现零星煤炭以及不少铁器,底部出现一件白瓷杯。
- Blue and white porcelain wares include plates, vases, censers, kettles, pots, bowls and cups, which have complicated designs on their bodies. 青花瓷器有盘、瓶、香炉、执壶、罐、碗、杯等,胎体厚重,装饰图案繁复,纹饰层次多。
- The green and transparent varieties of blue and white ware and the blue and white porcelain are known as gems of human arts. 碧绿透明的玲珑瓷和淡雅青翠的青花瓷互相衬托,相映生辉。被誉为"人间瑰宝"。