- The stiffness of white paperboard can be increased through adding BCTMP pulp, ply spray of starch, etc. 通过配用BCTMP浆、添加层间喷雾淀粉等措施,能够提高白纸板的挺度。
- Main material is white paperboard, both-sides. Other supplements are chopsticks, popsicle sticks, the core of ball-point pen, clew, plastic spring, etc. 主面料是双面白卡纸,还有一些辅料,筷子,冰棒棍,圆珠笔芯,线团,塑料弹簧什么的,不再赘述。
- The result of application of SSTOP in white paperboard factory showed that its effect was similar to foreign soap-free type product BK-350 but 700 RMB/t was retrenched. 在造纸厂的中试应用结果表明,在白纸板上,SSTOP与德国无皂产品BK-350效果相当,而每吨产品便宜700元。
- If the brightness difference white paperboard can affect the color of the bright screen brightness and settlement of saturability, which in turn affect the picture color contrast. 如果白纸不活的白量差别不离会感冻画背平调停的颜色平量和饱和量,进而感冻画背的色彩差比量。
- I heard John was the republican's great white hope. 我听说约翰是共和党人寄予巨大希望的人。
- The land is laid down with red or white clover. 这块土地种上了红花和白花苜蓿。
- This cloth has a pattern of blue and white squares. 这种布有蓝白格子的图案。
- England are playing in the blue and white strip. 英格兰队穿著蓝白色运动衣进行比赛。
- Black and white show a striking contrast. 黑和白形成明显的对比。
- White lines divide the playing area into sections. 这些白线把赛区分成各个部分。
- Do you know the man wearing a white shirt? 你认识那个穿白衬衣的人吗?
- I lost a white handkerchief with a blue border. 我丢了一块带蓝色花边的白手绢。
- Her white face and her dark dress contrast sharply. 她洁白的脸和她黑色的衣服形成强烈的对比。
- The country was bled white by her foreign rulers. 这个国家在异族的统治下民穷财尽。
- Poor Mr White dropped dead in the street yesterday. 可怜的怀特先生昨天突然死在大街上。
- Red and white predominate in these flowers. 这些花中大部分是红色和白色的。
- Mrs White always talks a blue streak. 怀特太太总是一开口就滔滔不绝。
- People often drink white wine with turkey. 人们经常边吃火鸡肉边喝白葡萄酒。
- The fields were all covered with pure white snow. 白雪皑皑,铺满田野。
- Two brown loaves and one large white one, please. 请拿两个黑面包和一个大的白面包。