- Data from the Chandra observation show that the central ten-million-degree Celsius cloud is the remains of a supernova explosion that destroyed a white dwarf star. 来自钱德拉的观测数据表明,中心温度达上千万摄氏度的云湍团是超新星爆发的残余,爆发摧毁了一颗白矮星。
- Every 20 years or so, the red giant star dumps enough hydrogen gas onto its companion white dwarf star to set off a brilliant thermonuclear explosion on the white dwarf's surface. 大约每过20年,红巨星向它的白矮伴星上输出足够的氢气,在白矮星表面产生一次耀眼的热核爆炸。
- The remnant central stellar core, destined to become a white dwarf star, glows in light so energetic it causes the previously expelled gas to fluoresce. 中央残留的恒星核注定会变成一颗白矮星,发出强光,使得先前喷出的气体发出荧光。
- This and the X-ray spectrum, which exhibits a high concentration of iron atoms relative to oxygen and silicon, convincingly show that the ejecta are the remains of an exploded white dwarf star. 这幅图连带X射线光谱(显示出了铁相对氧与硅的高度集中)令人信服地说明,抛出的物质是爆发白矮星的残余。
- Measuring 2,500 miles across and weighing five million trillion trillion pounds, the rock was found on Valentine's Day buried in the core of a white dwarf star in the constellation Centaurus. 这块石头直径达2500英里,重5×10的42次方磅,藏在人马座中一颗白矮星的中心,是在情人节那天被发现的。
- The White Dwarf Star is a Negative Entropy System 白矮星是负熵系统
- The researchers suggest that there are many white dwarf stars throughout this halo. 研究人员猜想,光晕内到处有白矮星。
- A New Theory for the Mechanic Equilibrium of White Dwarf Star 一个关于白矮星力学平衡的新理论
- A Practical Negative-Energy Spectrum System--The White Dwarf Star 一个实际存在的负能谱系统--白矮星
- Each white dwarf is a burned up, dying star like the sun. 每个白矮星都是类似于太阳燃烬后残存的恒星,
- The White Dwarf Star Sytems--The Composite System Compased of the Electron-Positive Energy System and the Helium-Ion-Negative Energy System 白矮星系统--正能谱电子系统与负能谱氦离子系统的复合系统
- It is then referred to as a White Dwarf. 这时,它被称为白矮星。
- A white dwarf is the inert remnant of what used to be a sunlike star. 白矮星是类似太阳的恒星在死亡后所留下恒久不变的残骸。
- white dwarf star 白矮星
- What is left after an explosion is a dwarf star of extraordinary density. 爆炸后所留下的是一个密度巨大的矮星。
- red white dwarf star 红白矮星
- Very small stars are called dwarf stars. 非常小的恒星叫做矮星。
- 7.This and the X-ray spectrum, which exhibits a high concentration of iron atoms relative to oxygen and silicon, convincingly show that the ejecta are the remains of an exploded white dwarf star. 这幅图连带X射线光谱(显示出了铁相对氧与硅的高度集中)令人信服地说明,抛出的物质是爆发白矮星的残余。
- Since a 7-solar-mass is too large to be a white dwarf or neutron star,it must be a black hole. 因为有着7个太阳质量的星体不可能是白矮星或中于星,所以它一定是黑洞。
- Since a 7-solar-mass is too large to be a white dwarf or neutron star, it must be a black hole. 因为有着7个太阳质量的星体不可能是白矮星或中于星,所以它一定是黑洞。