- Don't whisper to one another. Jane! 不要交头接耳。简!
- Possibly they whisper to one another, when they see me slouching in, looking like a man who might buy his clothes through the post: “He’s one of those gentlemen who’re a bit careless during the day. 就这么一个人还会有妻有子!他带着这副尊容拖着这个躯壳活在世上,可是自我感觉还颇好,这简直难以置信!想到这儿,我可能会微微一笑。我觉得是微微一笑;
- She whisper to me so no one else will hear. 她低声跟我说话以免别人听见。
- Six to one is a good price for that horse. 那匹马有六比一的赔率很不错。
- She once heard him whisper to another girl. 她曾听到他对另外一个女孩说悄悄话。
- The horse was running at odds of ten to one. 那匹马参赛赔率是十比一。
- whisper to one's neighbor 向邻座人耳语
- The odds are five to one on that horse. 那匹马的赔率是五比一。
- Lack of sleep is detrimental to one's health. 缺乏睡眠有害健康。
- I'll lay odds of three to one that he gets the job. 我以三比一的赔率打赌,他能得到那份工作。
- He is whispering to his neighbor. 他向邻座的人耳语。
- The horse is running at odds of ten to one. 那匹马参赛赔率是十比一。
- Eric Hoffer said, it is easier to love humanity as a whole than to love one’s neighbor. 爱整个人类要比爱隔壁邻居容易得多。
- Whisper, whisper, whisper to me. 悄悄地,悄悄地,悄悄地告诉我。
- The old church is leaning to one side. 那座古老教堂逐渐向一边倾斜。
- Whisper to the person on your right. 与右边的参加者耳语。
- You and me can turn a whisper to a scream. 我们就能让人们听见真理的声音。
- This picture is identical to one my mother has. 这张照片和我母亲的那张一模一样。
- Watching me share my own food with my fellow creatures, the villagers became curious, smiled strangely and whispered to one another. 村民看到我的举动以后,都露出好奇的表情及诡异的笑容,并互相窃窃私语。
- It overflows with soft sighs all whisper to you. 我要对你无限轻声叹息。