- This divergence generates most of the whipsaw in a price chart. 这种背离在图表上通常会产生锯齿。
- Second, an occasional whipsaw is the price of long-term safety. 其次,偶尔发生的洗盘,是为长期安全付出的成本。
- Beginners complain about getting whipsawed, stopped out of trades that eventually would have made them money. 新手抱怨止损就是被洗,认为如果不设止损,最终会获利。
- Though with the market’s fast approaching an extreme overbought condition, allow some rooms for whipsaw. 不过由于市场快速接近严重超买,因此多空双方可能会有一番激战。
- As expected, stocks whipsaw around the flat-line Thursday as the market works off the overbought condition. 正如我们预期,美股周四通过振荡整理来缓解超买状况。
- The American consumer has been whipsawed with $4 dollar gas and food inflation, while entire industries have been put on the edge of bankruptcy. 当美国消费者遭遇了每加仑汽油%244的高油价后,整个汽车工业在过山车般的油价起伏中快要崩溃了。
- Equity market finished slightly higher Wednesday after a tough session that saw stocks whipsaw around the zero line. 昨天股市多空双方在平盘线附近展开激烈争夺,收盘小幅走高。
- But if he’s forced to depend entirely on his own party to pass legislation, he will be whipsawed by its different factions. 如果最终他别于选择,不得不全部依靠民主党来通过立法的话,他将成为民主党内不同派系内讧的牺牲品。
- But if he's forced to depend entirely on his own party to pass legislation, he will be whipsawed by its different factions. 但如果他被迫完全依靠他自己的党通过立法,他就会被自己党内不同的派别所左右。
- This technique allows our stops to move away quickly during periods of high volatility without the risk of being unnecessarily whipsawed during brief periods of low volatility. 这个方法既能让我们的止损点在市场波动性变高时迅速远离市场高点,同时又不会让我们在市场波动性暂时变小时被无谓的止损出局。
- And it's ingrained in us at a young age, when we're whipsawed between "honesty is the best policy" and "no matter what, tell Aunt Barbara you like her gift. 诚实是最好的方法“和”不管送给你什么,对你芭芭拉姨妈说喜欢她送的礼物“这样的话让我们不知如何是好。
- This could lead to showdowns, or even to a possible whipsaw for the companies if Chinese youths start protesting en masse in the other direction. 这将导致最后的胜负,甚至如果中国年轻人开始一致抗议走到另一个方向则会对这些公司造成可能两败俱伤。
- They generally take an intolerable amount of time and are accompanied by innumerable false signals that cause many operators to be whipsawed in and out to an exasperating degree. 它们经常会维持一段令人难以忍受的时间,伴随难以计数的假信号,造成很多交易者惨遭洗盘出场。
- This is bullish though the most insane whipsaw tends to occur during expiration week, so Tuesday’s bullish breakout needs to be taken with a grain of salt. 这是看涨信号,不过由于本周五所有期权和期货将同时到期,本周剩下的时间行情可能会剧烈振荡,因此我们对周二的向上突破需要持怀疑态度。”
- And, as I have discovered after a dozen years of writing about the former U.S.S.R. and being whipsawed by bouts of optimism and pessimism, you must be able to hold in your mind the dichotomy of the two Russias. 而且,当我发觉自己在写了十二年关于前苏联的文字之后,却被一场乐观主义与悲观主义的较量难住了的时候,你肯定已经有了心目中的两个矛盾的俄罗斯。
- Summer arrived, and dogs and men, packs on their backs, rafted across blue mountain lakes, and descended or ascended unknown rivers in slender boats whipsawed from the standing forest. 夏天到了,人和狗背上行李,乘木筏渡过群山间蓝蓝的湖泊,又坐着在森林里锯下的木头做成的小船沿着一些不知名的河流顺流而下或逆流而上。
- To cut with a whipsaw. 用双人横锯切割
- This divergence generates most of the whipsaw in a price chart.Alternatively, strong phasing between Fibonacci and pattern exposes highly predictive reversals at narrow price levels. 经常检查高点、低点、移动平均线来确定特定价格的重要性。
- "Our internal divisions handed the Soviet leadership an irresistible opportunity to whipsaw us" (Henry A. Kissinger) “我们内部的分裂给苏联领导层提供了一个无法抗拒的机会以同时打击我们的双方”(亨利A.;基辛格)