- The order of effect of different fertilizer combinations to wheat quality was: NPM>NM>NP>PM. 化肥和有机肥配施对小麦品质改良作用大小排序为:NPM>NM>NP>PM。
- The micro lipoid contents in the wheat are additional factors to determine the wheat quality. 小麦中所含的微量脂类是小麦品质决定因素的补充因素。
- One of the important aims of wheat quality breeding is improve the breadmaking quality. 小麦面包烘烤品质的改良是小麦品质育种的重要目标之一。
- The SRC value is the simple and fast index sign that evaluates soft wheat quality. SRC值是评价弱筋小麦品质的简易快速的指标。
- Wang C,Kovacs M I P.Swelling index of glutenin test forpredication of durum wheat quality[J].Cereal Chem.,2002,79(2):197-202. 王月福于振文等.;施氮量对小麦籽粒蛋白质组分含量及加工品质的影响[J]
- Mai-Astoria to a number of hedge fund investments to charge its customers for a review of the fund-Astoria wheat quality. 一些向麦道夫投资的对冲基金还向顾客收取了用来审查麦道夫基金资质的费用。
- This paper discussed post - treatment techniques and in detail on the main techical measures in the production of specialiaed wheat flour by wheat quality improver. 本文着重讨论面粉后处理和在面粉中使用改良剂来生产高品质食品专用粉的加工工艺。
- This micro-SRC method can reflect wheat protein quality, starch quality and dough rheology characteristics accurately, and is a simple and convenient method to detect wheat quality on microscale. 微量SRC法能够准确反映小麦蛋白质品质、淀粉品质及面团流变学特性,是一种简便的微量品质检测方法。
- Most of our province wheat varieties are lack of the subunits of 5+10,1,2*,17+18,14+15.We should select parents with high quality subunits to prove the wheat quality in wheat preeding practices in the future. 所试小麦品种大部分缺乏5+10,1,2*,17+18,14+15等优质亚基,今后在小麦的育种工作中,应选用含有优质亚基的亲本以提高小麦品质。
- In the field experiment, two cultivars, the strong and weak gluten winter wheat varieties, were cultivated, and the effects of topdressing stage on wheat quality characters were analyzed. 摘要在大田条件下研究了追氮时期对不同筋型冬小麦品种品质性状的影响。
- This strain of wheat can grow during a cold spring. 这种小麦可以在寒冷的春天生长。
- Relationship between Wheat Quality and Flour Yield 小麦品质对出粉率的影响
- Report on wheat quality grew in Jiangsu 2003 2003年江苏省商品小麦品质调查报告
- The Relation of Wheat Quality and Flour Milling 小麦品质与制粉的关系
- Evaluation of Wheat Quality for Wet Noodle Making 鲜湿面条专用小麦品种品质的评价
- Effect of Ion Beam Treatment on Wheat Quality 离子束注入对小麦品质性状的影响
- 2006 Wheat Quality Survey in Jiangsu Province 2006年江苏省小麦质量调查报告
- hard winter wheat quality characteristics 硬粒冬小麦粉品质特征
- We have had the biggest wheat crop ever this year. 今年我们的小麦收获量是有史以来最好的。
- He is always confusing wheat with leek. 他对麦苗和韭菜总是辨别不清。