- We may live to see the extinction of the whale. 人类或许能亲眼见到鲸的灭绝。
- The whale thrashed the water with its tail. 那条鲸鱼不住地用尾巴击水。
- The children had a whale of a time at the funfair. 孩子们在游乐场玩得很高兴。
- A whale was stranded on the shore. 一条鲸鱼在岸上搁浅了。
- whale winch 鲸绞车
- A flap from the tail of the whale upset the boat. 鲸尾轻轻一拍便把小船打翻了。
- A whale is no more a fish than a horse is. 鲸鱼不是鱼正如马不是鱼一样。
- A whale is no less a mammal than a horse is. 鲸鱼和马一样都是哺乳动物。
- The blue whale grows to over 30 meters long. 蓝鲸可以长到三十多米长。
- The whale is the largest mammal in creation. 鲸是世上最大的哺乳类动物。
- The whale dived as the harpoon struck it. 鲸鱼被鱼叉射中后潜入水中。
- A very large animal, especially a whale. 海中巨兽非常巨大的动物,尤指鲸鱼
- To move with or as if with a winch. 用绞车拉,用起货机吊用或似乎用绞车或起货机移动
- They used a winch to lift the car. 他们用绞车吊起汽车。
- A winch allows the birds to be lowered or raised. 飞行器可用绞车降低或升高。
- The blue whale is the world's largest living animal. 蓝鲸是当今最大的动物。
- They've all been having a whale of a time these last few days. 最近几天他们都玩得很痛快。
- I partook of the infinte calm in winch she lay. 我也被她安眠中的无限恬静所感染。
- Inspection integrity of mooring winch. 绞缆机完整性检查。
- Special winch can keeps the stability of the rig. 特殊的卷扬机构,有效保持施工的稳定性。