- Keywords Wet Sand Blasting Machine Media Pump Abrasive Reclaimer Sludgeseparator Structure; 液体喷砂机;磨液泵;收砂器;油污分离;结构系统;
- It fell onto the wet sand, then sank (in). 那个东西掉在潮湿的沙子上,然後沉了下去。
- wet sand blast 湿式喷砂
- Beijing Changkong Sand Blasting Equipment Co., Ltd. 北京长空喷砂设备有限公司。
- The cement should have the consistency of wet sand. 水泥应当具有湿沙的坚实度。
- Why does wet sand look darker than dry sand? 为什么湿沙比乾沙深色?
- Why is wet sand darker than dry sand? 为什么湿沙总比乾沙深色呢?
- It's much easier to run on wet sand near the water. 在水边的湿沙上跑要轻松些。
- Hence, wet sand looks darker than dry sand. 因此,湿沙看来较乾沙深色。
- The children shaped the wet sand. 孩子们把湿沙子堆成各种形状。
- Dig down into the soil and you will find the wet sand. 往土里深挖,你就会发现湿的沙子。
- As the reactor in Chernobyl continues to bum, military helicopters flew over the side and dropped wet sand and various minerals onto the burning reactor. 切尔诺贝利反应堆还在继续燃烧时,军用直升飞机飞临现场,向正在燃烧的反应堆投掷湿沙和各种矿物质。
- I like walking on the wet sand when the tide is out. 我喜欢退潮后走在潮湿的沙滩上。
- I am the wet sand at the beach that squishes under your bare feet. 我是你光脚走在沙滩上时咯吱作响的潮湿的沙子;
- For example, etching methods can easily repair non-even sand plane produced by sand blasting. 如果喷沙的沙面不均匀,可以用蚀刻方法轻易再返工修正,减少废品。
- Objective:To observe difference of plaque index(PI) and bleeding index(BI) under polishing after sand blasting. 目的:观察洁牙后喷砂抛光对菌斑指数和出血指数的影响。
- Applicable sand material: Aluminum oxide Sand of #26-#320, carborundum, glass beads, Plastic sand blasting grains. 适用砂材:%2326-%23320氧化铝砂、金刚砂、玻璃珠、塑胶喷砂粒等。
- Applicable sand material: Aluminum oxide Sand of #26#320, carborundum, glass beads, Plastic sand blasting grains. 适用砂材:%2326%23320氧化铝砂、金刚砂、玻璃珠、塑胶喷砂粒等。
- Cutting stone was done with a rope dipped in wet sand and used like a saw. 将绳子浸在湿沙中然后像锯那样切割石头。
- Modification of Jet for Sand Blast to Remove Rust on Oxygen Piping Inner Surface. 氧气管道内部喷砂除锈喷头改进。