- Not only the wet mill, but alse wet mill. 既可干磨、也可湿磨。
- Maize flour by wet milling mixed CMC, agar and wheat flour in the proportion has made suitable dough quality. 普通玉米面粉与羧甲基纤维素(CMC)、琼脂、小麦面粉按一定比例配粉,也可获得良好的面团品质。
- The coil transporter is an important auxiliary equipment for cold mill plant. 摘要钢卷运输车是一种重要的轧钢辅助设备。
- The results indicated that the treatment of breaking maize kernel by steam and spraying dehydration after wet milling has made suitable dough quality. 试验证明:用汽蒸加热处理脱胚玉米,湿磨后用喷雾干燥法脱水,得到的玉米面粉有良好的面团品质。
- The viscosity and velocity of retrogradation of mung bean starch from wet milling processing were better than acidic steeping liquor processing. 水磨法绿豆淀粉的凝沈速度要比酸桨法淀粉快,且凝沈体积大。
- Corn gluten meal (CGM), a co-product of corn wet milling, is available widely.Because of its tow price, it can be refined to enhance its value. 摘要玉米蛋白粉作为湿法生产玉米淀粉的下脚料,来源广泛,价格低廉,对玉米蛋白进行深加工可以提高其附加值。
- A wet milling method on laboratory scale was employed to isolate starches from 18 corn hybrids, and their phosphates were prepared. 摘要采用湿法在实验室条件下提取18种玉米杂交种淀粉,并制备了磷酸酯淀粉。
- Be familiar with mining electrical equipments, especially at mill plant electrical system. 熟悉矿山电气设备,尤其是矿山选厂设备系统。
- During crystallisation, an oversaturated solution is subjected to wet milling by means of a wet milling device;as a result, a primary grain suspension is obtained. 该方法包括将含所述药用有效成分的过饱和溶液在结晶的同时用湿法磨碎设备进行湿法磨碎,以获得初级粒子悬浮液。
- Reformation of steel rolling system of Steelmaking and Mill Plant of Shaoguan Iron and Steel Group Co., Ltd. 韶钢炼轧厂轧钢系统改造实践。
- Abstract: Corn gluten meal (CGM), a co-product of corn wet milling, is available widely.Because of its low price, it can be refined to enhance its value. 摘 要: 玉米蛋白粉作为湿法生产玉米淀粉的下脚料,来源广泛,价格低廉,对玉米蛋白进行深加工可以提高其附加值。
- The drum flying shear of AISC Hot Strip Continuous Rolling Mill Plant has been introduced from Germany. 鞍钢热轧带钢厂的鼓式飞剪是从德国引进的。
- The drum flying shear of AISC semi-continuous Rolling Mill Plant has been introduced from Germany. 鞍钢半连轧厂的鼓式飞剪是从德国引进的。
- Wet cement manufacture is a craft using wet rotation furnace to calcine raw material, therefore its raw material mill is wet mill. 湿法水泥生产是指采用湿法回转窑进行生料煅烧,相应的其生料磨机就是湿法磨。
- The present article introduces the application and practical effect of new CVC shape control model in hot rolling mill plant of Bao Steel. 介绍了宝钢热轧厂新CVC板型控制模型的应用及实际控制效果
- An investigation is made of flake off features on back up roll of both tandem mill and HC mill in the Cold Strip Rolling Mill Plant. 对武钢冷轧厂冷连轧机和HC轧机支承辊剥落特征的研究表明,冷连轧机支承辊剥落类型有深层次剥落和辊面型剥落两种;
- For dry and wet milling. 适于干和湿的铣削.
- The dough-elasticity of wet milling corn flour is poor while the consistency of modified corn flour are declined after with biologicals methods but the dough-elasticity is improved. 采用喷雾干燥工艺制备的改性玉米面粉揉和性能得到提高,能够形成面团。
- The fur collar mats when it gets wet. 皮领子湿了时毛就结在一起。
- The plant was growing at an angle. 植物呈一定角度生长。