- A housemaid, especially a wet nurse, in India and the Far East. 阿妈印度和远东的女佣,特别是奶妈
- Woman is unrivaled as a wet nurse. 作为奶妈,女人是无与伦比的。
- She had a wet nurse for the infant. 她雇了一个奶妈给婴儿喂奶。
- He was breast-fed by a wet nurse. 他是奶妈奶大的。
- After their escape, Ah Ch'ou's wet nurse was dismissed. 逃难以后,阿丑的奶妈当然可以省掉了;
- Engels once compared taxes to the wet nurse of the government. 恩格斯曾把赋税比作政府的乳娘。
- A housemaid,especially a wet nurse,in India and the Far East. 阿妈印度和远东的女佣,特别是奶妈
- Finally, her old wet nurse got the story out of her. 最后,还是夫人的奶妈问出了事情的原由。
- When the wet nurse came on board, it struggled and twisted. 当奶妈上船时,小猪正在挣扎扭动。
- A woman employed to suckle children other than her own;a wet nurse. 奶妈被雇佣给别人的而不是自己的孩子哺乳的人;奶妈
- She had to engage a wet nurse because she could not nurse the child herself. 她不得不请一位奶妈,因为她自己不能喂孩子。
- A woman employed to suckle children other than her own; a wet nurse. 奶妈被雇佣给别人的而不是自己的孩子哺乳的人;奶妈
- In Rouen, the death rate for children sent to a wet nurse was 35 percent. 在鲁昂(法国港城),奶子死亡率为35%25.
- According to an unwritten rule in old families, grandparents were expected to pay for the grandson's wet nurse. 依照旧家庭的不成文法,孙子的乳母应当由祖父母出钱雇的。
- The lion was found in a tomb at Saqqara in northern Egypt belonging to Maia, wet nurse to Tutankhamun, who was buried in about 1430 BC. 这只狮子木乃伊是在埃及北部村庄塞加拉的一个坟墓中被发现的。坟墓的主人是图坦卡门的奶妈迈亚,大约在公元前1430年葬于此地。
- The wet nurse went over to investigate. When she reached the other boat, the first thing she saw was a pool of blood! 奶妈于是过去查个究竟。当她来到那只船时,首先看到的竟是一滩鲜血。
- I plan to hire a wet nurse to take care of the baby, which is less than a month old. 我打算雇一位乳娘来照顾还没满月的小宝宝。
- We knew that is in vogue the Republic of China time in the wet nurse, in the literary work wet nurse image is humiliated and by the impairer. 我们则知道,在奶妈盛行的民国时代,文学作品中的奶妈形象都是被欺凌与被损害者。
- This influence comes from stories told by his grandmother, his wet nurse and from the war of 1812 and his exiling to the southern Russia. 外祖母、奶娘的故事、1812年战争、南俄流放、亲朋的相继死亡和十二月党人的悲剧都极大地影响着普希金对死亡的思考。
- When Hung-chien first came back to China, the house was spacious and Ah Ch'ou had a wet nurse to look after him, so that Ah Ch'ou did not become a nuisance. 鸿渐初回国,家里房子大,阿丑有奶妈领着,所以还不甚碍眼讨厌。