- This question, so much pushed to the fore among Western thinkers, is undoubtedly given that importance through the influence of theology. 西方思想家之所以把这个问题看得那么重要,无疑地是因为受了神学的影响。
- This question,so much pushed to the fore among Western thinkers,is undoubtedly given that importance through the influence of theology. 西方思想家之所以把这个问题看得那么重要,无疑地是因为受了神学的影响。
- Western thinkers in age of Enlightenment claim that mankind can have permanent peace after Enlightenment, but it is not true. 摘要西方启蒙思想家认为启蒙之后可望实现永久和平,但事实不然。
- After the collapse of the Soviet Union, western thinkers assumed the west would never need to make geopolitical compromises. 自苏联解体后,西方思想家想当然地认为,西方再也不需要进行地缘政治妥协了。
- Metaphor, as a rhetorical device and then as a cognitive approach, has been one of the major concerns of the western thinkers. 摘要在西方哲学和修辞学传统中,隐喻研究占有十分重要的地位,并且始终闪耀着认知的思辨。
- Walter Benjamin is a famous western thinker, he makes great contribution to such aspects as philosophy, history, language, literature and art. 瓦尔特·本雅明是西方著名的思想家,同时在哲学、历史、语言、文学艺术诸方面都有不凡的建树。
- Confucianists's research on connotation and connection of justicing and benefit complement western thinker's thought of happiness. 儒家对义与利的内涵及其关系的探索,西方思想家关于幸福概念之思考可以相互纠偏。
- If searching it in view of western esthetics, we may discover that the ideology of ZONG Bai-hua's esthetics was greatly influenced by western thinkers and philosophers. 摘要追溯宗白华美学的西学渊源,可以发现,西方哲人与艺术家的思想、人格对宗白华美学思想体系的形成有着巨大的影响。
- Confronting this aporia, contemporary western thinkers have tried many ways for "emancipation," but have all faded into pure gestures of "showing" owing to the lack of real impact of daily life. 在这种新倾向面前,西方思想家已经探索过的诸多“解放”路径,尤其是美学救赎,也日趋捉襟见肘,日常生活再度成为焦点问题。
- This essay will approach this issue of language in the context of translation, with reference to the Babel metaphor as discussed by western thinkers such as Benjamin, Derrida, and de Man. 本文试图通过讨论“巴别塔”的隐喻在本雅明、德里达、保罗·德·曼等西方思想家中搅起的思想波澜,进而论述翻译中的语言问题。
- It would likely be very helpful for westerners to study Confucianism, but many western thinkers decry the eastern fusion of intuition and logic. 人们讲话诱惑,当他们体验天性时,并且他们说它是分心。这自然。为什麽假想是这自然邪恶的?
- Sabine’s paradigm of Historicism, does a research into the relationship between the individual and the politics according to the thought of Zygmunt Bauman, the famous contemporary western thinker. 通过分析个体与政治在西方近代以来的关系变迁,我们发现,现代政治在全球化时代已难以满足个体对自由和稳定的双重渴求,而新的政治又尚未建构。
- Greece was the cradle of Western civilization. 希腊是西方文明的发祥地。
- Gold prices on Western markets jumped. 西方市场上的黄金价格暴涨。
- The Western scientists of the day didn't know it. 当时的西方科学家还不知道这一点。
- The mountains have a western trend. 群山向西延伸。
- Greece, the cradle of Western culture. 希腊,西方文化的发源地。
- It was Hart who created the basic formula of the western film. 正是这个哈特创造了西部电影的基本格局。
- Obesity is a problem for many people in western countries. 西方国家很多人都有过度肥胖的问题。
- It was the Greeks who shaped the thinking of Western man. 正是希腊人影响了西方人的思维。