- The sapwood of the Western Red Cedar (Thuja plicata) is thin with a light yellow tinge. 西部红杉(侧柏木)是较薄,有浅黄色。
- Cedar Creek Treehouse is 80 miles south of Seattle and is set 50 feet up in a 200-year-old western red cedar tree, right in the canopy of a lush temperate rainforest on the base of Mount Rainier. 树屋旅馆位于西雅图以南80英里处草木苍翠的雷尼尔山雨林中,建在50英尺高处的一棵200岁的红香柏树上。
- western red cedar 北美香柏
- The floor was made of polished red cedar wood. 这个地板是用抛光过的红衫木制成的。
- Bishopwood, Autumn maple tree, Red cedar. 茄苳(重阳木、秋枫树).
- The wood species included yellow cedar, red cedar, western hemlock, douglas fir, white oak, maple and Fokien cypress. 试材包括美桧、侧柏、铁杉、花旗松、美洲白橡(栎木)、枫木及越南桧木等七种使用量日增之进口材。
- The durable, aromatic wood of any of these plants, especially that of the red cedar, often used to make chests. 雪松木这些植物的耐久的、带香味的木材,尤指红雪松的木材,常用于制作箱子
- Any of several other evergreen coniferous trees or shrubs, such as the Alaska cedar, incense cedar, or red cedar. 雪松科植物一种常绿松柏科树木或灌木,如阿拉斯加雪松、香雪松或红雪松
- Any of several other evergreen coniferous trees or shrubs,such as the Alaska cedar,incense cedar,or red cedar. 雪松科植物一种常绿松柏科树木或灌木,如阿拉斯加雪松、香雪松或红雪松
- Australia has few deciduous native trees (the Toona australis or so called Red Cedar is one). 澳大利亚很少有本地的每年落叶性树。
- The still twilight, with its dying western red and its few faint struggling stars, rested on the farm-yard. 寂寞的黄昏笼罩着整个院子,即将消逝的夕照还留下一片红影。天上几颗忽隐忽现的星星挣扎着要冒出头来。
- A double misfortune for Tali Township's venerable red cedar, struck by lightning and now outgrown by its neighbours. 大里乡的茄苳公曾遭雷袭,又有多种树木附生,真是祸不单行。
- Hemlock, red cedar, and balsam fir are among the other trees found in British Columbia. 铁杉、红香椿、香脂冷杉枞都是发现于英属哥伦比亚的其他树种。
- The 50 recipes are all authentic Western red meat dishes, including the traditional grills and stews. 书中五十款西菜食谱,以猪、牛、羊为主料,教你烹调出各式扒类,全是欧美各国有名的传统菜式;
- Struck dead by lightning in fall, 1956, it revived and put forth now leaves at the tip later when it became host to another red cedar. 1956年秋,这棵巨树因雷击而成枯木,后寄生红桧,才使树梢再现绿意,重新焕发出生机。
- This is a giant red cedar which, reputedly more than 3 000 years old, stands more than 50 metres tall with a girth that takes 15 pairs of outstretched arms to encircle. 这棵巨大红桧树,树龄超过3000年,高达50多米,15个人才合抱拢来。
- With Lochuan roughly the southern, and the Great Wall the northern, extremities of Red control in Shensi, both the eastern and western Red frontiers were formed by the Yellow River. 洛川以北的地区,除了公路干线两旁的几个狭长地段以及下文将要提到的几个地点外,已经全部染红了。
- Greece was the cradle of Western civilization. 希腊是西方文明的发祥地。
- fragrant reddish wood of any of various red cedar trees. 各种红雪松芳香的微红色木料。
- Gold prices on Western markets jumped. 西方市场上的黄金价格暴涨。