- Asia: western and southern Borneo. 亚洲:婆罗洲西部与南部。。
- The armed forces of the landlord class were smaller in central Hunan than in the western and southern parts of the province. 湖南地主阶级的武装,中路较少,西南两路较多。
- The day slowly spread to the Western and Southern states, where each established its own day of observance. 后来,这个节日渐渐传播到西部和南部各州,他们纷纷确定了自己的庆祝日。
- About 15,000 ha of winter potato be planted in areas below 1,600 m asl, in lowlands of the western and southern Yunnan,where rainfall is sufficient or irrigation available. 在海拔1600米以下的滇西、滇南冬春降水条件较好的低热河漕、盆坝及滇中有灌溉条件的冬闲田,可发展冬马铃薯45万亩;
- Convections were limited to the western and southern quadrants, which explained the lack of precipitation along central Guangdong coast including Hong Kong. 它的对流被切离至低层环流中心的西面和南面,因此未能于经过南海北部期间为广东中部沿岸带来可观的降雨。
- First,we have the co-operation of the Chen-Xie Army,operating in the vast area of the Funiu Mountains and western and southern Henan,and of the Shandong army,operating north and south of the Longhai Railway. 首先,是有陈谢兵团在伏牛山、豫西、豫南广大地区及山东大军在陇海路南北的互为配合。
- Gazetteer Indo-West Pacific: western and southern coasts of India and off Sri Lanka to Indonesia, the Philippines and Ryukyu Islands, and south to the northern part of Australia (Ref. 3131). 印度-西太平洋:西部与南部的印度海岸与斯里兰卡外海到印尼;菲律宾与琉球群岛;而且南至澳洲的北部.;(参考文献3131
- First, we have the co-operation of the Chen-Xie Army, operating in the vast area of the Funiu Mountains and western and southern Henan, and of the Shandong army, operating north and south of the Longhai Railway. 首先是有陈谢兵团在伏牛山、豫西、豫南广大地区及山东大军在陇海路南北的互为配合。
- Formerly known for its spaghetti westerns and southern emigres, Andalusia is now leading the worldwide shift to sustainable, green farming methods. 安达鲁西亚早先以义大利西部片以及移民而文明,现在这个地区带领全球,发扬永续且环保的农耕方式。
- West Indies and southern Mexico to Peru and Brazil. 西印度和墨西哥南部至秘鲁和巴西一带。
- He had a thorough knowledge of both western and Chinese learning. 他学贯中西。
- Northern and Southern states joined up again as one. 重新联合成一个国家,奴隶全部获得解放。在大桥附近汇合。
- The U.S.A. trades with many Western and Eastern countries. 美国与西方和东方的许多国家进行贸易。
- War between Northern and Southern states in the U.S. 南北战争
- Passage between northern Luzon, Philippines, and southern Taiwan. 菲律宾吕宋岛北部与台湾南部之间的海上通道。
- Yanzhou dialects and Southern Wu have two disputed questions. 严州方言与南部吴语有纠葛的问题有两个。
- This is a Western film which is Western and then some. 这是一部价值远超过一般西部片的电影。
- R:U.S. citizens don't need visas for western and northern Europe. 瑞克:美国公民到西欧和北欧国家不需要签证。
- Her aim is to marry a westerner and live abroad. 她的目标是嫁给西方人,住到国外。
- A falcon(Falco biarmicus) of Africa, the Mediterranean, and southern Asia. 南非隼一种隼(地中海隼),产于非洲、地中海和南亚