- Westerly winds have strengthened since the 1960s. 20世纪60年代以来,西风变得更强。
- The garden was very exposed to westerly winds. 这座花园完全暴露于西风中。
- Mid-latitude westerly winds have generally increased in both hemispheres. 南北半球中纬度的西风普遍增强。
- A rising westerly wind was whipping up a moderate sea. 西风逐渐加紧,平静的海面上起了波浪。
- Fanned by a westerly wind, the fire spread rapidly through the city. 火借助西风迅速蔓延全城。
- The prevailing westerly winds gave the battle advantage to the English admirals. 盛行的西风助了英国海军将领们的一臂之力。
- South of Chongwu coastal leaning westerly wind 5-6 levels, Rafale 7 levels. 崇武以南沿海偏西风5-6级,阵风7级。
- Oceanic Response to Changes in the Latitude of the Southern Hemisphere Subpolar Westerly Winds. 南半球亚极地西风纬度变化的海洋反映。
- Most of Germany has a temperate seasonal climate in which humid westerly winds predominate. 大部分的德国有一个季节性的温带气候,以潮湿的西风为主。
- Westerly winds withered trees up last night. Climbing up the stairs and being lonely on the loft, I overlooked the endless distance. 昨夜西风凋碧树,独上高楼,望尽天涯路。
- The westerly winds above the surface trade winds of the tropics,which become the prevailing westerly winds of the middle latitudes. Often used in the plural. 反信风赤道地区地表信风上的西风,到中纬地区即变成了盛行西风。常用复数形式。
- The westerly winds above the surface trade winds of the tropics, which become the prevailing westerly winds of the middle latitudes. Often used in the plural. 反信风赤道地区地表信风上的西风,到中纬地区即变成了盛行西风。常用复数形式
- Fall through it, ushered in winter, westerly winds fluttering, trees are dying out, there were numerous snow cover live share of melancholy, the soul is a pure open in winter. 秋天走过,迎来冬天,西风猎猎,万木凋零,纷纷扬扬的雪花掩盖住那份惆怅,心灵的冬季便是一片纯净空旷。
- I praise the Songbai faithful, I have fought the westerly winds of praise Lei Ju, I praise the way the lotus mud, but I also praise the Ao-xue plum blossom in full bloom. 我赞美坚贞的松柏,我赞美勇斗西风的篱菊,我赞美莲花的傲视污泥,可我更赞美梅花的傲雪怒放。
- Hong Kong derives wave Cuiye mutilated, a westerly wind depression among blue waves. 菡萏香消翠叶残,西风愁起碧波间。
- It is said that a flood-tide, with a westerly wind, and ice in the Neva, would sweep St.Petersburg from the face of the earth. 据说,涅瓦河要是涨了水,刮了西风,流来的冰块可以把圣彼得堡一下子从大地的表面上冲掉的。
- He went to late autumn might be only the tenacious black sheep, where the westerly wind shake, but he knew that dare to face their destiny. 他到深秋也许只剩下坚韧的枯枝,在西风里摇撼,但是,他知道也敢于面对自己的命运。
- During the winter, westerly winds blow rain-clouds across Pakistan and northern India, watering the plains and dumping snow onto the tops of the Hindu Kush, Karakorams and western Himalayas. 冬季中,西面来风将积雨云吹过巴基斯坦及印度北部,灌溉平原并降雪于兴都库什山、喀喇昆仑山脉与喜马拉雅西部山脉顶部。
- Therefore, the Drake Passage to be called the "murder of the westerly wind belt," "Storm Corridor", "two sides of the devil," is truly a "death corridor. 这就是德雷克海峡的海冰变化调控厄尔尼诺事件的机制,我们称之为德雷克海峡海冰的气候开关效应。
- I don't know whose bright idea it was to build a basically north/south runway right next to a big east/west mountain pass where there's almost always a westerly wind. 用户当然找内容最多的网站,发布当然选用户最多的网站。