- west and central China 华西和华中
- China is a country which is short of fresh water resource.Water shortage has become a chock point for local economical developments in the east, south, north, west and central parts of China. 我国是淡水资源不足的国家,缺水成为我国东、西、南、北、中许多地方社会经济发展的瓶颈。
- The world-famous Loire Valley - best known for its wines and chateaux - extends across two regions in west and central France. 以葡萄酒和城堡闻名世界的罗亚尔河谷跨于法国中部和西部。
- Then there are the "Directives for Dealing with the Alien Party Problem" in northwestern, northern and central China. 其在西北、华北、华中区域,复有所谓《处理异党问题实施方案》。
- The workshop is linked to an earlier meeting on lions in West and Central Africa which took place in Douala, Cameroon in October last year. 这场研讨会意在延续早先去年10月在喀麦隆杜阿拉港举行的会议,当时的议题是保育中、西非的野生狮。
- But Guizhou plays the role of the communicative hub of Southwest China liking to South china and Central China. 贵州又是中国西南地区通向华南、中的重要枢纽。
- The lowland is divided by the Ural Mountain into the East European Plain to the west and the West Siberian Plain and Central Siberian Plateau to the east. 在西部地区,乌拉尔山脉的西侧为东欧平原,东侧为西西伯利亚平原和中西伯利亚高原。
- Torrential rains and floods in Southern and Central China have left at least 21 people dead and 2 missing. 在我国南方及中部的强降雨及洪灾造成至少21人死亡,2人下落不明。
- Daily satellite images show a dynamic cloudiness across the whole of south and central China. 每日卫星图片显示云层移动笼罩了中国南部和中部。
- Gabon, Cameroon and Congo-Brazzaville supply it with timber.Several countries in west and central Africa send cotton to its textile factories. 刚果金可以向中国提供木材,中西非的一些国家也可以向中国纺织厂提供棉花。
- In west and central Africa, one newborn in 20 dies. A major reason is prematurity -- the death rates are among the highest in the world. 非洲中部和西部,每20个新生儿中就有一个死亡,主要原因是早产----死亡率排在世界最高
- WNV has been described in Africa, Europe, the Middle East, west and central Asia, Oceania, and most recently, North America. 西尼罗河病毒在非洲、欧洲、中东、西亚和中亚、大洋洲以及最近在北美都发现过。
- MA Wei-min.HVDC system design of BTB project between northwest China and central China[J].High Voltage Engineering,2004,30(11):5-7. [3]马为民.;西北-华中联网背靠背直流工程一次系统设计[J]
- West and Central Africa in which the number of passengers increased 15.7 percent, the Southern African routes the number of passengers grew by 6.7%. 其中西非和中非航线乘客数量增加15.7%25,南部非洲航线乘客数量增加6.7%25。
- Before the Taierhchuang campaign,the enemy had divided his forces more or less evenly between northern and central China and had again divided them inside each of these areas. 台儿庄战役以前,敌在华中、华北大体上是平分兵力的,两方内部又各自平分。
- These faults are also to be found in the base areas in northern and central China, and the Party organizations and the army there must endeavour to eradicate them. 华北华中各根据地内,这种毛病都是有的,那里的党和军队必须注意克服这种毛
- Nigeria is one of the three remaining poliovirus reservoirs in the world and poses a high risk of re-infecting polio-free areas in the entire west and central Africa. 尼日利亚是世界上三个脊髓灰质炎疫源地之一,可能给整个西非和中非地区带来脊髓灰质炎病毒传入的危险。
- Before the Taierhchuang campaign, the enemy had divided his forces more or less evenly between northern and central China and had again divided them inside each of these areas. 台儿庄战役以前,敌在华中、华北大体上是平分兵力的,两方内部又各自平分。
- He used his megaphone to apologise for the disruption caused by the worst winter weather southern and central China have endured in at least five decades. 他用扩音机为中南地区恶劣天气造成的崩溃致歉,这种瘫痪至少已经持续了50天。
- I looked to the west and caught a break in the clouds. There was hope! 我向西边瞧,看见云散开了一些,有希望了!