- He does not plume himself on these achievements. 他并不因这些成就而自夸。
- A plume formerly used to trim women's hats. 装饰羽毛用作装饰妇女女帽的羽毛
- Some metals weld better than others. 有些金属容易焊,有的不容易焊。
- welding plume 烟羽
- On reaching welding heat, the metal surfaces are pressed together. 当金属表面达到焊接热度时就会压在一起。
- Some of the students are welding capacitor; the others resistor. 学生中的一些人在焊接电容,另一些人在焊接电阻。
- A plume used as decoration on top of a helmet. 羽饰头盔顶部用作装饰的羽毛
- Some of the students are welding capacitors; the others resistors. 学生中的一些人在焊接电容,另一些人在焊接电阻。
- Her hat was decorated with a plume. 她帽子上装饰着羽毛。
- It takes speed and skill to weld steel at this heat. 在这样的温度焊钢需要速度和技术。
- East Asian perennial herbs: plume poppy. 东亚多年生草本植物的一个属;几种产于亚洲的博落回属的植物。
- There: bearskin cap and hackle plume. 在那儿,戴着插有鸟颈毛的熊皮帽。
- It take speed and skill to weld steel at this heat. 在这样的温度焊钢需要速度和技术。
- A plume of smoke rose from the chimney. 从烟囱里冒出一缕轻烟。
- He does not plume himself on these achievements . 他并不因这些成就而自夸。
- Anna: Unless you use a nom de plume, of course. 安娜:当然喽,除非你用笔名。
- It takes speed to weld steel at this heat. 在这样的高温下熔接钢铁需要快速。
- Anna: if you used a nom de plume. 安娜:如果你用笔名的话。
- The tail is profusely coated and forms a plume. 尾巴毛量丰厚形成羽毛状。
- They weld the pieces of a broken axle. 他们焊接断了的车轴。