- Yarn run found on bottom of inseam. 内长底发现有纱缐。
- For surfacing welding on cold die and cutting tool. 冷冲模及切削刀具的堆焊。
- Uneven stitching per inch on bottom. 裤脚每寸针数不平均。
- Weld on the conductor braiding head flange. 焊接隔水管顶法兰。
- The most skillful was on bottom. 最精巧的建立在底部。
- The car has had a new wing welded on. 这辆汽车焊接了一个新的翼子板。
- Disengage fascia from hooks on bottom of front fenders. 将仪表板从前挡泥板底部的挂钩上取下。
- Repair worn parts of metal products by welding on extra layers. 焊接额外层以修复磨损金属制品的零部件。
- Don't drill or weld on tube, coupler and plank frame. 不可以在架杆、扣件和踏脚板框架上打孔、电焊;
- Uneven stitching of density on standard on bottom edge stitching. 裤脚缐步密度不均匀。
- Spot a 15-pound per barrel Check-Loss pill on bottom. 按每桶钻井液加15磅切克劳斯(干粉)配堵漏剂打到井底。
- Rules of impact of stiffener on bottom slab are educed. 并得出了加劲肋对箱梁底板受力影响的规律。
- weld on bottom 底焊
- Press firmly on bottom and sides of a 9-inch springform pan. 把它放到一个9寸圆模里,用手掌慢慢向四周均匀推开。
- welding on bottom 底焊
- Welding on any portion of the draw rings must be approved by Project Manager. 在拉伸环的任何一部分进行烧焊必须获得项目经理的批准。
- Abut or fixed fittings should be provided to angle branch on bottom of riser. 立管底部的弯管处应设支墩或采用固定措施。
- Used for surfacing welding on low hardness under normal temperature such as axle. 常温低硬度堆焊。如车轴等磨损面。
- For surfacing single or multi-layer welding on the mechanic face been wore out, as gear, digger and mine mechanic etc. 用于单层或多层堆焊各种受磨损的机械表面,如齿轮、挖斗、矿山机等。
- Press firmly on bottom and sides of a 9-inch springform pan. Pre-heat the oven to 200C/405F. 把它放到一个9寸圆模里,用手掌慢慢向四周均匀推开。预热烤箱至200C/405F。