- The contractors from both sides have executed the documents. 契约双方都已在文件上签了字。
- She had to bear the brunt from both sides. 她不得不承受双方面的压力。
- It only needs good will from both sides. 它只要双方的善意。
- Lining her pockets from both sides, the bitch! 这不要脸的,两头做内线!
- Traders and shippers from both sides were involved. 对方的商人和运货人都参与了这种活动。
- The idea has drawn much criticism from both sides. 那主意招致双方的大量批评.
- It only needs good will from both sides . 它只要双方的善意。
- welding from both sides [化] 双面焊
- A happy home life needs the efforts from both sides of the couple. 美满的家庭生活要靠夫妻双方的努力。
- To love and be loved is to feel the sun rise from both sides. 爱,同时被爱,就像感觉太阳同时从两边升起。
- A happy home life needs the effort from both sides of the couple. 美满的家庭生活要靠夫妻双方的努力。
- Let us, therefore, speak of Waterloo coldly from both sides. 让我们平心静气,从两方面来谈谈滑铁卢吧。
- Representatives from both sides have initialled the agreement. 协议书已由双方代表草签。
- Platform can be accessed from both side of wing bulwark. 平台可以从驾驶室两翼舷墙进入。
- Representatives from both sides have decided to hold a talk this afternoon. 双方代表定于今天下午举行会谈。
- There must be trust from both sides in order to create a new working rapport. 但是我和球队之间必须要达成一个协议,为建立一个良好的新的工作关系,双方需要相互信任。
- To remove(a common factor or term)from both sides of an equation or inequality. 约去;消去从一个方程式或不等式的两边去掉(一个公因子或公共项)
- Planes and patrol vessels from both sides buzzed around the disputed areas. 来自两方的飞机和巡逻舰在争议地区来往穿梭。
- "We're taking fire from both sides here!" Lance Cpl. James Yon yelled. 一等兵詹姆斯叫道:“我们腹背受敌。”
- A color is chosen and the matching spot vanishes from both sides of the paddle. 颜色被选择从桨的两边,并且配比的斑点消失。