- A captain is inferior to a major. 上尉的级别低於少校。
- It is customary to welcome a visitor with a shake. 习惯上大家都握手迎接客人。
- A captain commands a company or battery. 一个上尉指挥一个连队或炮兵连。
- A captain in the army ranks below a captain in the navy. 陆军上尉的阶级比海军上校的低。
- A captain ranks a commander in the navy. 在海军中,上校的军衔高于中校。
- The public would welcome a firmer stance this time. 公众此次更愿意看到强硬的姿态。
- A lieutenant general is above a captain. 中将比上尉的职位高。
- We really welcome a drop in prices. 我们确实欢迎物价下降。
- A major precedes a captain in rank. 少校军阶高于上尉。
- No one under a captain can hold the post. 海军上校以下不能担任此职。
- A captain ranges between a lieutenant and a major. 上尉军阶在中尉之上,少校之下。
- Now I am a cager,but I'll be a captain later. 现在我是个队员,以后我会是个队长。
- By the way,are you a cager or a captain? 顺便问一下,你是队员还是队长?
- He is a captain who leads by example. 他是个以身作则的队长。
- They were commanded by a captain and a corporal. 他们由一名上尉和一名下士率领。
- He served as a captain in the army. 他曾是一名陆军上尉。
- His uniform bore the insignia of a captain. 他的制服上有上尉徽章。
- We shall welcome a chance to renew our friendly relationship. 很高兴能有机会来恢复我们的友好关系。
- In the army a captain is subordinate to a major. 在军队中大尉比少校地位低。
- Who will volunteer her services as a captain? 谁愿意毛遂自荐当队长?