- weed community composition 杂草群落组成
- The species composition and seasonal variations of the turf weed communities were investigated in Shenzhen with line intercept method,and all the data obtained were analyzed with cluster analysis. 用样线法调查了深圳市区不同管理类型草坪的杂草周年发生及分布情况,并用系统聚类法分析了各草坪杂草群落的发生规律。
- In additions, evergreen species of Fagaceae were the major dominant species of community composition. 壳斗科的常绿树种是本地主要建群种。
- The species richness, diversity and evenness of weed community in maize fields in Zhangjiakou and Chengde were higher than other regions, but the Simpson's index was relatively lower. 张家口和承德地区玉米田杂草群落的物种丰富度、多样性及均匀度较其它地区高,而优势度较低。
- The results show that no significant difference was observed in composition of weed communities between plots receiving balanced NPK fertilization of organic manure or chemical fertilizer. 结果表明:N、P、K平衡施用时,无论是施用有机肥,或是施用无机化肥,田间杂草的种群组成相似;
- Abstract: Objective To grasp the community composition, structure and classification of ectoparasites on rodents in the Tarim Basin. 文章摘要: 目的 掌握塔里木盆地啮齿动物体外寄生虫群落组成、结构和分类。
- Community composition and structure of giant panda habitat were studied by systematic survey along altitudinal gradients in Xizozhaizigou Nature Reserve. 摘要通过沿海拔梯度的系统调查,对小寨子沟自然保护区大熊猫生境的植物群落种类组成和结构进行了初步研究。
- All these indicated that L. radiata obviously changed the composition and structure of weed communities, and effectively controlled the growth of weeds. 说明石蒜改变了杂草的群落结构,有利于限制杂草的发生危害。
- Kyllinga brevifolia + Cyperus rotundus + Cynodon dactylon in Zhaoqing.The weed communities of 32 sample plots could be classified into 5 groups. 肇庆市以水蜈蚣+香附子+狗牙根为主二通过聚类分析可以将32个样点分成5个组。
- Crop rotation system and geographical factors determined the distribution of weed communities in main oilseed rape growing regions in Hubei Province. 轮作制度与地理因素决定了湖北省油菜主产区杂草群落的分布。
- Until now there are contradictorily results regarding the dominant SOC stabilization mechanisms, possibly depending on factors, such as ecosystem and soil type, soil depth, soil managements, as well as soil biological activity and community composition. 至今,有机碳稳定性的主导机制尚不清楚,但影响因素与生态系统类型、土壤类型、土层深度、土壤管理措施、土壤生物活性及群落组成等有关。
- An investigation on weed species biodiversity and host plants of vesicular arbuscular mycorrhiza fungi (VAMF) within weed communities in new developed fruit gardens was conducted. 本研究调查了红壤坡地幼龄果园杂草群落的物种多样性以及主要物种被VA菌根真菌的侵染率和侵染强度,分析了VA菌根真菌侵染与根际土壤磷素水平的关系。
- T?rneman, N., Yang, X.H., B??th, E., and Bengtsson, G., Spatial covariation of microbial community composition and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon concentration in a creosote polluted-soil. 杨秀虹,李适宇,李岚,汤婉环,黄雄飞,广州市工业、交通区表层土壤中多环芳烃分布特征初探。
- Microbial community composition and diversity 微生物群落组成和多样性
- community composition and structure 群落组成和结构
- He weed out one by one the book he do not want. 他把不想要的书一本一本丢掉。
- First thing tomorrow I'll weed the garden. 我明天一大早首先去除园内的杂草。
- Our community is a leader in the conservation of wildlife. 我们社区在野生动物保护方面走在前头。
- We have to weed out unqualified applicants. 我们必须淘汰不合格的申请人。
- He sweated out his composition in several hours. 他苦干了几个小时才写出了作文。