- She was constantly spurred on by a fear of failure. 对失败的恐惧不断地激励着她。
- He had a banana and a wedge of cheese for lunch. 他中饭吃一根香蕉和一块楔形的奶酪。
- Had to erase all thoughts of failure from his mind. 必须抹去他头脑中所有有关失败的记忆
- Lack of interest is a guarantee of failure. 缺乏兴趣肯定会导致失败
- In the event of failure we must wind up our business. 万一失败,我们须将这事业停止。
- Which is a wedge of lightfrom an open door. 里面透出一条狭窄的光束。
- He is a fool that makes a wedge of his fist. 蠢人拿自己的拳头当楔子。
- Have no fear of failure, success usually comes after failure. 不要怕失败,成功通常来自失败之后。
- I shall have another chance in the event of failure. 如果失败,我还有另一个机会。
- We should analyze the causes of failure. 我们应该分析一下失败的缘由。
- English: He is a fool that makes a wedge of his fist. 中文:再愚蠢的人也不会拿自己的拳头当楔子用。
- She began to cry in the face of failure. 面对失败,她开始哭了起来。
- He was constantly spurred on by a fear of failure. 他唯恐失败,这个念头一直鞭策着他。
- A life of failure had made her downcast. 失败的生活使她沮丧。
- I could not bear the humiliation of failure. 我无法忍受失败的耻辱。
- Dual Grease Injector at Seat Ring and Wedge of Gate Valve. 闸阀的阀座环和楔形闸板上的双重润滑油注入器。
- Years of failure have sapped him of his confidence. 连年失败使他逐渐丧失了自信。
- A 100g wedge of cheddar provides about 720mg of calcium. 一个100克的楔形干酪能提供大约720毫克的钙。
- A life of failure has made her downcast . 失败的生活使她沮丧。
- A wedge of metal used as a low-friction fulcrum for a balancing beam or lever. 刃形支承一种楔形金属,用作平衡木或杠杆的摩擦小的支撑物