- Susan Stewart to be your lawful, wedded wife? 做你合法的妻子吗?
- Then, xue songke wei re your lawful, wedded wife? 好,雪松愿意接受薇儿为你的合法妻子吗?
- Do you take this woman to be your lawful wedded wife? 你愿娶这个女人为合法妻子吗?
- Jack, do you take Mary to be your lawfully wedded wife? 杰克,你愿意玛丽做你的合法的妻子吗?
- Priest: Jack,do you take Elizabeth to be your lawfully wedded wife? 牧师:杰克,你愿意伊丽莎白做你合法结婚的妻子吗?
- Jack Robinson, do you take Linda White to be your lawful, wedded wife? “杰克?罗宾逊,你愿意接受琳达?怀特做你合法的妻子吗?”
- Then,Feifei Shou, do you take Lianlian Lee to be your lawful, wedded wife? 好,首非非,你愿意接受李恋恋,作为你的合法妻子吗?
- And as for you,squire,as sure as you stand there,this young lady is your lawful wedded wife. 至于你,绅士先生,这年轻女子毫无疑问是你的合法妻子。
- And as for you, squire, as sure as you stand there, this young lady is your lawful wedded wife. 至于你,绅士先生,这年轻女子毫无疑问是你的合法妻子。
- Do you take this woman (man)to be your lawful wedded wife(husband)to live together in the holy estate matrimony? 你愿否以此女人(男人)为你合法之妻子(丈夫),与你共同生活在圣洁之婚姻中?
- Then, (full name of the bridegroom here), do you take (full name of the bride here) to be your lawful, wedded wife? 好,(新郎正式姓名),你愿意接受(新娘正式姓名),作为你的合法妻子吗?
- And as for you,squire,as sure.as you stand there,this young lady is your lawful wedded wife. 至于你,绅士先生,这年轻女子毫无疑问是你的合法妻子。
- MR , do you take this woman. to be your lawful wedded wife, to live together in the estate of matrimony? 你愿意娶为合法的妻子,共同过婚姻生活吗?
- Do you take this woman (man) to be your lawful wedded wife ( husband) to live together in the holy estate matrimony? 即:你愿否以此女子(男子)为你合法之妻子女(丈夫),与你共同生活在圣洁之婚姻中?
- John Smith, do you take this woman, Mary White, to be your lawful wedded wife, to live together in the estate of matrimony! 约翰史密斯,你愿意娶玛丽怀特为合法的妻子共同过婚姻生活吗?
- David, do you take Jane to be your lawfully wedded wife, to love, honor and cherish, in sickness and in health, until death do you part? 大卫,你是否愿意娶简为你的合法妻子,爱她,尊重并爱护她,无论生病还是健康,直到死亡将你们分开?
- John Smith, do you take this woman,Mary white,to be your lawful wedded wife,to live together in the estate of matrimony? 婚礼上牧师的证言:约翰使密斯,你愿意娶马丽怀特做你的合法妻子,共同过婚姻生活吗?
- Minister: john white, do you take this woman as your lawful wedded wife, to live together in the estate of holy matrimony? 约翰怀特,你愿意娶玛力史密斯为合法旗子共度婚姻生活吗?
- Now you ask me on bended knee to be your lawfully wedded wife, And I look at you with honor for you are my love, my life. 现在你屈膝向我求婚, 要我成为你的法定妻子, 我无比荣幸地望着你,因为你是我的爱, 我的全部生命。
- David, do you take Jane to be your lawfully wedded wife, to love, honor and cherish, in sickness and health, until death do your apart? 大卫,你是否愿意娶简为你的合法妻子,爱她,尊重并爱护她,无论生病还是健康,直到死亡将你们分开?