- A woman’s hair is one of the sexiest part of her body. *女人的秀发是最性感的部位之一。
- To wear one's heart on one's sleeve. 轻易把感情表现出来。
- The boy' s hair stuck up straight with fright. 男孩吓得毛发直竖。
- Wear one's heart on one's sleeve v. 十分坦率,感情容易激动。
- Sorrow and anxiety wear one more than hard work. 忧愁和焦虑比艰苦工作更能折磨人。
- The young girl' s hair was tied up with a red ribbon. 这个小女孩的头发用一条红缎带扎了起来。
- He showed us a good tyre for comparison (with the worn one). 他给我们看一个好轮胎(与磨损的)作比较。
- Hearing the strange sound the horse 's hair bristled . 听到这怪声,马的鬃毛都竖起来了。
- BI 'S HAIR STYLE LOOKS BETTER NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BI呀BI!!!好挂住你呀!几时可以见到你???
- To wear one - wish for a change of the surroundings. 戴着一条--希望改变周围的环境。
- As with men, minoxidil is only modestly effective in restoring one's hair and it does not seem to work in older, post-menopausal women. 但是对于男性,米诺地尔对头发的再生效果不是很明显,对于年老,绝经后妇女更是没有效果。
- My mother reached over and twirled a lock of my dad’s hair around her finger. 警方在附近各处著手搜索,我在警笛和喧闹声中听到了另一种声音:狗的吠叫声。
- "I wasn't wearing one sock when I came, was I ? "我不可能只穿一只袜子来呀,是不是?
- He suggests that airline crews could wear one to ensure that terrorists don't infiltrate the cockpit in disguise. 他建议飞机机组人员可以戴上一个,以确保恐怖分子不会伪装混入驾驶舱。
- Wear one color from head to toe. Dress, or pants and hosiery and shoes all one color. 从头到脚只穿一种颜色。衣服、裤子、袜子、鞋子统统一种颜色。
- Women"s hair has airy layers that can be worn loose and free, or sleek and smooth. 女士发型则在蓬松大方或光良平滑的发型上做出轻快的层次。
- We come to wear one cut of face and figure, and acquire by degrees the gentlest asinine expression. 我们都板着同样的面孔,摆着同样的架式,逐渐习得最有绅士风度而又愚蠢得像驴一样的表达方式。
- He showed us a good tyre for comparison(with the worn one). 他给我们看一个好轮胎(与磨损的)作比较。
- Miss Zeta-Jones' s hair is washed with a truffle-based shampoo, then smeared with the caviar and which is combed through and left to set. 泽塔-琼斯用富含松露的洗发水洗发,然后抹上鱼子酱、其梳匀后再晾一会。
- B: It's just hard for me to get in the habit of wearing one. 只是我很难养成系安全带的习惯。