- weakly convergent 一致弱收敛的
- weakly convergent sequence 弱收敛序列
- The enemy rear is weakly defended. 敌人后方空虚。
- Meeting or tending to meet at the same point; convergent. 聚集的在或向同一点会合的; 汇集
- Miss Martha leaned weakly against the showcase. 玛莎小姐无力地靠着陈列柜。
- The library's different,@ Harold said weakly. “图书馆是另一回事,”哈罗德懦弱地说道。
- I fell back weakly in my seat and gave a big sigh. 我软软地靠在座位上,长长地松了口气。
- "But to-morrow's wash day," she objected weakly. “可明天要洗衣服,”她有气没力地反对。
- If a sequence is not convergent, it is divergent. 如果一个序列不收敛,我们称它发散。
- "I thought I had you," he said, weakly. “我还以为我赢了你呢,"他有气无力地说。
- "Miss--Miss Courtland," Bamberger faltered weakly. “柯--柯脱兰小姐,"班贝格结结巴巴地轻声说。
- Failing to approach a limit; not convergent. 发散的无极限的,没有收敛的
- "Thank you," said Carrie weakly. “谢谢,"嘉莉无精打采地说。
- "You must not say that," she said, weakly. “你不该说这话的,"她软弱无力地说。
- What do you mean?@ Paul asked weakly. “你什么意思?”保罗有气无力地问。
- It was a sunshine of the weakly world! 它曾是软弱世界的一屡阳光!
- Has Chinese Stock Market Been Weakly Effective? 我国股市是否达到弱式有效?
- Also, they fly weakly and not far from the ground. 它们飞行能力不强,常贴近地面飞行。
- The finite-difference computation must be convergent and stable. 有限差分计算必须收敛和稳定。
- He looked at the mess and smiled weakly. 他看着这一片狼藉, 勉强地笑了笑。