- weakly coking coal 弱焦性煤
- The combined firm would also be strong in aluminium, uranium and coking coal. 合并后的公司在铝、铀和炼焦煤的生产上有举足轻重的作用。
- The reactivity of coke from the coking coal added with lime stone, CaCl 2, witherite and pitch was investigated. 对炼焦煤中加入特殊添加剂石灰石、毒重石、氯化钙及沥青后焦炭反应性的变化进行了研究。
- Instead of pussyfooting around with coking coal, the west may one day address the most egregious imbalance of all. 与其在炼焦煤问题上纠缠,西方有朝一日也许会针对一切失衡中最大的失衡。
- The collapsed mine belongs to Shanxi Coking Coal Group, China's biggest coal producer. 坍塌的煤矿属于中国最大的煤炭生产企业山西焦煤集团。
- Points out the importance of slurry water system in the preparation plant,especially coking coal preparation plant. 指出了煤泥水系统在选煤厂,特别是在炼焦煤选煤厂中的重要性。
- The necessity of expanded coal rank for CWM production and saving coking coal resources were discussed in this paper. 摘要阐述了节约炼焦煤资源,扩大制备水煤浆煤种范围的必要性。
- The last possible result is that China's domestic demand for coking coal rising prices. 而最后可能出现的结果是中国国内焦煤需求上升,价格上涨。
- Yangxin States in the status of Shanxi anthracite, unlike Shanxi Coking Coal Group, is the "only", but also decisive. 国阳新能在山西无烟煤的地位,不像山西焦煤集团一样是“唯一”,但也举足轻重。
- AUBEMA supplied two hammer mills for separation of coking coal, as well as two double roll crushers for processing coke. 它生产了两台用于洗选焦炭的锤式破碎机和两台用于捣碎焦炭的双辊破碎机。
- Traditional ironmaking industry is limited to further develop because of increasingly shortage of coking coal and coke resource. 由于炼焦煤和焦炭资源的日益短缺,限制了传统炼铁工业的进一步发展。
- The carbonization of exrtacting constituents of preheated Shenfu noncoking and Liulin dominant coking coal has been studied. 对预热神木不粘煤及柳林主焦煤中不同溶剂抽提组分的碳化特性分别进行了比较研究。
- The former technique is used for reducing the excessive moisture of coking coal in case a larger proportion of flotation concentrate is blended. 炼焦煤调湿技术是针对炼焦煤中掺有比例较大的浮选精煤而导致水分过高所采取的降水调湿手段;
- Most of the basilic steel industries of northeast, North China, East China and middle south of China used Hebei coking coal for blending coking. 而东北、华北、华东和中南各区的重点钢铁企业几乎都需用河北省的炼焦煤配煤炼焦。
- Liaocheng seamless business experts said that the tighter supply of coke, and coking coal prices remain high, partly a serious shortage of coal. 聊城无缝管企业相关专家表示,目前焦炭供应较为紧张,而炼焦煤价格依然居高不下、部分煤种严重短缺。
- The quality,price and using effect of Australian coking coal,which was t he first imported by Ma ' anshan Iron &Steel Co.Ltd.were evaluated. 对马钢首次进口澳大利亚焦煤的质量、价格和使用效果等几方面进行了评价。
- Under the agreement, Shanxi Coking Coal Group, Wuhan Iron and Steel and Wuhan Iron and Steel will invest Fangchenggang coking projects. 根据协议,武钢和山西焦煤集团将共同投资武钢防城港焦化项目。
- Dongguan Securities analyst Li Longhai that with the macro-economic slowdown, the lower reaches of coking coal demand in the doldrums. 东莞证券分析师李隆海认为,随着宏观经济的减速,炼焦煤下游需求低迷。
- The shift has particularly benefited the price of coking coal, used for steelmaking and much scarcer than thermal coal, which fires power plants. 这一变化尤其推高了炼焦煤的价格,炼焦煤用于炼钢,比用于燃煤电厂的动力煤稀缺得多。