- weak Hopf algbra 弱Hopf代数
- Last, the role of weak antipodes in the structures of modules/ comodules over a weak Hopf algebra is presented. 最后给出的一些结果体现了弱对极在弱 Hopf代数上的模 /余模结构中的作用 .
- In this paper,(A,SA) and(H,SH) both are weak Hopf algebras on a field k. A is also an H-module algebra. (A,SA)和(H,SH)都是数域k上的弱Hopf代数,并且A是右H-余模代数。
- Then, some regular semigroups were constructed by using of weak antipodes of some weak Hopf algebras. 然后用某些弱 Hopf代数的弱对极构造正则半群 .
- In this paper,we prove that if H is a cocomutative finite dimensional weak Hopf alegbra and A is a commutative H-module algebra,A is integral over its invariant AH. 主要研究关于弱Hopf代数的模代数在其不变量上的积分;设H是余可换的有限维的弱Hopf代数;A是可换的左H-模代数;那么A是其不变量AH上的积分.
- A well-known example is weak Hopf algebra, which is introduced in [L2] for studying the non-invertible solution of Yang-Baxter Equation based on this class of bialgebras (in [L2] and [L6]). 在文献[L2]中,为了研究Yang-Baxter方程的非平凡解,作者引入了著名的弱Hopf代数的概念使得基于这一类双代数,能够给出Yang-Baxter方程的一个非平凡解。
- It generalizes the theories of Yetter-Drinfeld modules on Hopf algebras, and associates the weak Doi-Hopf modules , quantum Yetter-Drinfeld modules with relative weak Hopf modules. 它推广了Hopf代数上Yetter-Drinfeld模的一些理论,并给出了弱Doi-Hopf模,量子Yetter-Drinfeld模与相关弱Hopf模三者之间的关系。
- semiquasitriangular weak Hopf algebra 半拟三角弱Hopf代数
- The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak. 心有余而力不足。
- Integrality of Module Algebras over its Invariant over Weak Hopf Algebra 弱Hopf代数的模代数在其不变量上的积分
- The shock make me go all weak at the knee. 这件事把我吓得两腿发软。
- You must be weak in the head if you believe that. 你相信那件事可就太傻了。
- He cannot run because he has a weak heart. 他有心脏病,不能跑。
- A fearful person is a weak person. 怕这怕那的人是软弱的人。
- The shock made me go all weak at the knees. 这件事把我吓得两腿发软。
- His weak chest was a legacy of a childhood illness. 他那瘦弱的胸脯是儿时患病的后遗症。
- In a weak moment, I agreed to pay for her holiday. 我一时心软同意了支付她度假的费用。
- He is weak with hunger, so I have to support him. 他饿得没有力气,我得搀着他。
- He pushed a weak student through the exam. 他帮助一位成绩差的学生通过了考试。
- He was too weak even to lift his hand. 他虚弱得连手都抬不起来。