- To educate people to abide by all the transportation rules is one of the most effectives ways to avoid any car accidents. 将发生车祸的机率降到最低的最有效措施之一就是教育人们要遵守一切交通规则.
- Based on the analysis of their characteristics and functions, this paper tries to explore the possible ways to educate and guide these groups to serve the whole class effectively. 分析高校班级中非正式群体的特点及作用,可以探讨如何教育与引导这些非正式群体,使之更好地为班级的整体目标服务。
- This paper discusses the concept,guiding thinking and the ways to educate readers etc.in new library movement of the twenties and the thirties of the 20th century. 本文论述了20世纪二三十年代的新图书馆运动中,图书馆对读者教育的理念、指导思想以及教育读者的方式、方法等。
- Innovative and effective ways to educate and train the health workforce, private-public partnerships, adequate financing and management policies, and successful country experiences all help us to learn from each other. 创新性的、行之有效的方案,包括教育和培训卫生工作者、建立公私合作伙伴关系、适当的筹资和管理政策、以及各国的成功经验等都有助于我们互相学习。
- It is not easy to educate teenagers. 教育青少年不是件容易的事。
- One of the best ways to educate our hearts is to look at our interaction with other people, because our relationships with others are fundamentally a reflection of our relationship with ourselves. 教育内在心灵最好的方法之一,就是检视自己与其他人的互动,因为我们与其他人的关系,基本上反应我们与自己的关系。
- One of the ways to dissipate perspiration is by convection. 散发汗水的一种方法是通过对流作用。
- There are other ways to do this exercise. 做这个练习还可用别的方法。
- Cast about for new ways to proceed. 尽力找到进行下去的新方法
- He put his whole heart into thinking up ways to improve his work. 他把整个心思都用来想办法改进工作。
- He tried all manner of ways to solve the difficult problem. 为了解决那道难题,他试了各种方法。
- He had paid out good money to educate his daughter at a boarding school. 他花了很多钱让他的女儿在寄宿学校受教育。
- It is not the way to educate a child by making him do things against his will. 勉强他做事不是教育孩子的办法。
- All this prompted us to think out various ways to overcome the difficulties. 这一切都促使我们想出各种办法来克服困难。
- He was deprived of his rights to education. 他被剥夺了受教育的权利。
- They attach great importance to education. 他们十分重视教育。
- Maybe you have discovered some clever ways to keep yourself from forgetting. 也许你发现了什么好方法使自己不忘事。
- He tried to educate his wife's taste in literature. 他试图培养他太太对文学的爱好。
- One of the best ways to succeed in a small company is to get in on the ground floor and prosper as the company expands. 在小公司取得成功的最佳方法之一,就是以与发起人同样优先的资格入股,随着公司的发展一起繁荣。