- waves propagation vector 波传播矢量
- The method has a wide application in wave propagation and signal processing. 它在求解波的传播和信号处理方面也有广泛的应用。
- Transverse dimensions of rectangular tunnels have great influence on electromagnetic waves propagation. 摘要矩形巷道截面尺寸对电磁波的传播特性有很大的影响。
- The highly sophisticated electronic methods rely on either light or radio wave propagation. 较复杂的电子技术是利用光或无线电波传播。
- The wave propagation along axis direction in piezoelectric hollow cylinder is studied. 对压电圆柱壳体内波的轴向传播进行了研究。
- The light wave propagates in a straight line. 光波以直线形式传播。
- An understanding of wave propagation in anisotropic crystals is a prerequisite to the treatment of a number of important topoics. 了解波在各向异性晶体中的传播是研究一些重要课题必不可少的。
- Here we discuss only two special types of wave propagation problems that have a direct bearing on both theoretical and applied seismology. 在这里我们只讨论和理论地震学及实用地震学都有直接关系的波动传播问题的两个特例。
- The wave propagation in, perhaps, the most general model of a poroelastic medium is discussed. 摘要讨论了弹性多孔介质中波的传播的(或许是)最一般的模型。
- The finite element method was used to calculate elastic wave propagation in the medium. 本文采用有限元素法计算弹性波在介质中的传播。
- Three major damage mechanisms, namely fault rupture, wave propagation, and soil liquefaction, are considered. 文中考虑三种主要的损坏机制,即断层错动、震波传递、以及土壤液化。
- Monitoring the comprethensive nuclear-test-ban treaty: regional wave propagation and crustal structure. 全面禁止核试验条约的监督:地面波...[中国核科技信息与经济研究院
- Since then, the theorem focuses on Rayleigh wave propagation on solid sphere and cylinder in this thesis. 中文摘要本论文之目的,在于研究主动式声纳对水下目标物之瑞利表面回波信号特性分析。
- The free transverse vibration in an axially moving beam on fixed support is investigated by wave propagation. 摘要用波传播法分析研究了两端固支轴向运动梁的横向自由振动。
- The surface wave propagation method was suitable for the measurement of dynamic shear moduli of particleboard. 不同方法测得的弹性模量值不同.但它们之间存在着一定的内在联系。
- A time domain boundary element model (BEM) is presented for wave propagation problems in layered media. 建立了研究层状介质波动问题的时域边界元计算模型。
- Antonson T M. Wave propagation in inhomogeneous plasma [J]. Phys. Fluids, 1978, 21(12): 2295. 石秉仁龙永兴.;近垂直传播电子回旋寻常波的传播和吸收特性的解析研究[J]
- Numerical simulation from wave equations is a valid means of studying seismic wave propagation. 波动方程数值模拟是研究地震波传播特征的有效手段。
- The electromagnetic wave propagating through a superlattice is analyzed. The vector potential along the propagating direction obeys the sine-Gordon equation. Some soliton solutions are given for different cases. 在超晶格中电子的动量分布与平衡分布偏离不远的弱直流电场偏置下,分析电磁场在超晶格生长方向的传播,得到电磁场传播方向的电磁场矢势分量服从sine-Gordon方程,给出了不同条件下的几种孤子解。
- Against the characteristic of electromagnetic wave propagating in left-handed material, researches on surface wave producing condition, draws wave vector equation of TE, TM polarization surface wave. 针对电磁波在左手介质中的传播性质,研究了表面波产生的条件,得出了TE、TM偏振表面波波矢方程。