- wave motion balance 波体运动守衡
- Any of numerous patterns of wave motion. 振荡型,波形电磁波的众多模式
- Can the person have periodic mood wave motion? 人是不是会有周期性的情绪波动?
- Shikoku is after the economic big wave motion at the beginning of experiencing great change, begin to anabiosis gradually, clue sees at the beginning of macroscopical balance. 四国在经历了巨变之初的经济大波动之后,开始逐渐复苏,宏观平衡初见端倪。
- The vibration in the air and in the other media travels as a wave motion. 空气及其他介质中的各种振动都是以波动的形式传播的。
- Chengdu Deke Technology co,. ltd. deem it is a big market for rotor motion balance test, and there are high profit in this market. 成都德克机械有限公司认为在转子动平衡的调试行业有广阔的市场空间,蕴含着高额的利润。
- One idea was more complex wave motions. 引入更复杂的波运动是种解决方式。
- The wave motion bears the Key signature imparted by the nature and extent of the source. 波动具有由震源的性质和范围造成的主要特征。
- The nature of the wave motion in sound can be made clear by considering the tuning fork. 对于音叉的考查可以使我们清楚地理解声波波动的本质。
- This phenomenon, peculiar to the two-dimensional wave motion, is sometimes called diffusion. 二维波所特有的这种现象,有时叫做弥散现象。
- The simplest form of wave motion consists of the combination of a transverse simple harmonic vibration and a uniform translation. 波动的最简单形式是横向简谐振动和匀速直线运动的组合。
- When weather changes, baric meeting occurrence wave motion, affect the gravitational wave in atmosphere thereby. 当天气变化时,气压会出现波动,从而影响大气中的重力波。
- Is range of wave motion of Wen Zhengchang of cheeper summer celestial bodies top how many degrees be? 幼儿夏天体温正常波动幅度最高是多少度?
- Fund handler all along is controlling the wave motion of basic metal price on LME market. 基金经理人向来左右着LME市场上基本金属价格的波动。
- Wave motion response of tunnel lining embedded in unbounded nonuniform soil medium is studied. 摘要研究了不均匀岩土介质中隧洞衬砌的波动响应。
- Abstract: The elastic vibration of spacecraft with beam-like appendages is studied as wave motion in this paper. 文摘:将带梁式柔性附件航天器的附件振动作为波动研究。
- This paper studies the wave motion in rubble mound breakwater by discarding the homogeneous assumption. 本文抛弃均质渗流假定,对抛石防波堤内波浪运动的问题进行了研究。
- In last few years, pily production appeared bigger wave motion, produced very big effect to whole countryman economy. 近几年,棉花生产出现了较大波动,对整个国民经济产生了很大影响。
- The elastic vibration of spacecraft with beam-like appendages is studied as wave motion in this paper. 将带梁式柔性附件航天器的附件振动作为波动研究。
- If the competitor alls alone wave motion appears on engine in search, do not take pleasure in other's misfortune. 当你摸不到头绪找谁友情链接的时候,竞争对手如同一个指明灯一样为你照亮了前程。