- There was a watery eye or two on the comfy seat. 关于博客搜索的出路,行业内普遍的看法是被收购。
- I have watery eyes and a running nose. 我的眼睛流泪,鼻子流鼻涕。
- I have watery eyes and running nose. 流眼泪流鼻涕。
- In his watery eyes there is an expression of distrust. 他那含泪的眼睛流露出惊惶失措的神情。
- Sensitive people may get watery eyes or a hacking cough. 敏感人群可能会眼睛流泪或者剧烈的干咳。
- He had small, watery eyes, a pointed nose, and wore an unpleasant simper. 他长了一双水汪汪的小眼睛,一个尖头鼻子,脸上挂着令人讨厌的假笑。
- But these reflex tears do little to soothe a dry eye, which is why someone with watery eyes may still complain of irritation. 但是这些反射性的泪水对缓和干眼效果甚微,这就是为什么有些经常流泪的人还是会觉得眼睛有刺激感。
- Mayo shook her head and looked at the bouquet dangling from her right hand with watery eyes. 真夜摇摇头,用湿润的眼睛看着在她的右手里摇晃着的花束。
- But the insect, safe inside, refused to budge. With a swollen nose and watery eyes, the lion gave a terrific sneeze, blasting the mosquito out. 但是这只蚊子,呆在里面很安全,拒绝动动身。由于红肿的鼻子和湿润的眼睛,狮子打了个极其响亮的喷嚏,一股气流把蚊子给吹出来了。
- The most common kind of allergy allergic? reaction is eaing itchy? watery eyes and a blood blocked or watery nose. 最常见的过敏反应就是眼睛发痒,流泪和鼻子堵塞或者流鼻涕。
- Mayo looked at those white flowers arranged in a short vase on her study desk with watery eyes. 真夜眼眶湿湿地看着插在一只矮花瓶里,摆在她书桌上的那些纯白的花朵。
- Charles looked on wistfully, wiped his watery eyes, but did not get up because of his stiffness. 美茜子尖叫一声,查尔斯发愁地望着,揉了揉泪汪汪的眼睛,因为身子僵而没能站起来。
- And her sound as magnet, her big watery eyes, her pressed respire, all and all from her parts, I deeply fell in. 她磁性的声线,大大的眼睛,急促的呼吸,所有的所有,令我深深 沦陷。
- The most common kind of allergic reaction is itchy, watery eyes and a blocked or watery nose. 最常见的过敏反应是瘙痒,双目出水及鼻塞和流鼻涕。
- Japan in the spring gets a double whammy of influenza germs and cedar pollen -- leading to runny noses, watery eyes and coughing. 日本的春季时分,会受到流感病菌和西洋杉花粉双重夹击,导致流鼻涕、流眼泪和咳嗽等症状。
- A short, balding man with graying hair, a pointed nose, and small, watery eyes stood before Frank, a mixture of fear and alarm in his face. 一个秃顶灰发,尖鼻子的矮个子站在地面前,眼睛小而湿润,脸上全是惊恐。害怕。
- His book was an eye opener to complacent young men. 对自满的年轻人来说,他的这本书有启发作用。
- In hayfever, histamine causes inflammation of the nose, eyes, skin or airways and results in itchy watery eyes, a runny nose, sneezing and nasal congestion. 在干草热发生时,组胺能引起鼻子,眼睛以及皮肤的炎症反应,出现眼睛流泪发痒,流鼻涕,打喷嚏和鼻塞等症状。
- Sweety Patty Hou not only has a sweet smile, she also has white and pretty teeth, and big watery eyes - this look has attracted many people including local heavenly king Jay Chou. 甜姐儿侯佩岑不但有超甜美的笑容,皙白整洁的牙齿,还有一对水汪汪的大眼睛,这样的模样迷死不知多少人,连本土小天王周杰伦也不例外。
- He had a bruise just below his left eye. 他有个伤疤正好在他左眼的下侧。